Too wet for torenia (wishbone flower)??

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I planted 4 six packs of torenia a couple weeks ago, since then we have been deluged with constant rain. So far I have lost five plants,they just wilt and fall over. I'm assuming it's too much rain. Anyone else have this problem? My impatiens are not looking too well either, I know they like water but not to the saturation point! Send some sun to southern Ohio, my plants need it and so do I.

northeast, IL(Zone 5a)

I planted some Torenia about three weeks ago, and while everyone is still standing, none have grown or done anything. We've had nothing but cold and rain here, too. I'm hoping that the weather will get better and they will grow, but there's more cold and rain forecasted for the rest of this week! If the temp would just hit 70 I'd be happy.

Kunkletown, PA(Zone 6a)

Hmm, my torenias seem okay, but I think my soil drains pretty well. I really love the little things, look like tiny Gloxinias(sp?) Yours will probably pick up and do well soon, cheers!

Hernando, MS(Zone 7b)

I planted six plants a few weeks ago and 5 of them are doing great. I cut one back because it looked so puny, and now it's starting to look good. I have them in a raised bed so they have plenty of drainage. I'll bet that yours will soon get a good foothold and be the pretty little things that they're supposed to be.

Shreveport, LA(Zone 8a)

I have two wishbone plants that I purchased from a nursery. They were full of blooms and maintained their blooms for several weeks afterwards. Now they have no blooms and seem to have seed pods. Will they bloom again or do I need to dead-head the seed pods? Also, how do I harvest and store the seed for next year?

I've never seen these little gems until this year and I love them!

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