Wanted: Irises for postage

Liberty, IN

I would like to put in a special Iris garden for my late grandmother. For it was her passion and if it was not for her I would not have found the joy of gardening. Thanks to any that can help. Tonia

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Liberty, IN

That's so sweet of you, whenever you get to them just drop me a note and I'll send out the postage. LOL and Hugs. Tonia

Macclesfield, CHESHIRE(Zone 8a)

If you want seed, I have loads of Iris pseudacorus; yellow flag of ponds and damp areas, but will grow anywhere.

El Tel

Liberty, IN

Thanks so much for the Irises you guys have sent. LOL Tonia

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Liberty, IN

Man I just wish my truck was running. how many different kinds? would like 3-5 fans of each or a 10 pound box. The larger of the two. Maybe more! let me know what you have. Thanks and LOL Tonia

Knoxville, TN

All I have is the old fashion purple,but my sister is giving me many kinds next month that are 30 or 40 years old
I will share some with you.But here in tennessee we don't dig them up till august and let that's what we were taught
and I spent a many cutting them,into fans and
transplanting.My grandmother had every name and color
the one that sicks in my mind was ( Happy Birthday )
luv heblady

Liberty, IN

Herblady, Thanks so much for offering to share with me. I can definitely wait till Aug. It is truly something special to be able to pass on such legacy. Thanks so much LLLOLLL Tonia

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