Are you ready Ohio????

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

I just received my postcard from deMonye's! Their spring sales are now officially announced!

April 9, 10, 11 = Perennial Sale
25 cents per plant... 4 pack for $1.00... Flat for $12.00
Over 80 varieties!!!

April 16, 17, 18 = Wave Petunia Sale
3 pack for $1.00... Flat of 36 for $12.00

April 23, 24, 25 = Geranium Sale
3 pack for $1.00... Flat of 36 for $12.00
Red, White, Pink, Salmon, Violet and Appleblossom!!!

I made a killing last year! I am definitely needing more perennials this year. Had a Gazebo delivered, and the only way to get it into the yard was to drive through my one bed. I still have tire tracks in my yard. A lot of work to do this spring, but will definitely put it aside for the deMonye's sales!

Hope to see everyone there!


Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Hey Dave, long time no see! How are you? I'm glad you posted this. I haven't made it to one of their sales yet. Morph shared some plants with me a couple of years ago and they were NICE! I'm hoping to make it up this year. I'm thinking it is in Columbus or near there?

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

I'd also like to know where it is located. Thanx.

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Hi there Badseed! It's been a busy winter! My better-half's uncle ended up in the hospital due to diabetes. He had to have his left foot partially amputated. So, we needed to take care of him for the longest time, and back in November he passed away. We were renovating his old house so my better-half's mom could move in, then after living there for 3 months, she decided she wanted to sell it, and move back to the country. So, we found a buyer, moved her, and now we're helping her renovate her new place. There's nothing like standing in a dirt cellar in February, and updating an electrical service panel. I had to rip out the old one, wait for the electrical company to come and upgrade her to 200 amp service, then I had to re-wire everything into the new breaker box (service panel). I'm also redoing all the plumbing, adding new plumbing, and installing new cabinets, and a new bathroom. The first thing was to replace the roof though. It was leaking like a seive!

Anyway, yes, deMonye's is in Columbus. It's right near the airport. From Cincinnati, you take 71 north to 270 east, take the I-670 exit off of 270, take the airport exit off of that ramp, then take the Cassady Ave. exit off of I-670. At the traffic light at the end of the ramp, go straight across Cassady Ave., follow that road right to deMonye's! You can't miss it!

Hope to see you there!


---- Edited to Include Address ----

2500 Airport Dr.
Columbus, OH 43219

Ph. 614-252-6046
Fax 614-252-6047

This message was edited Feb 22, 2004 10:41 AM

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow! You have had your hands full! We went through the diabetes thing with my dad. They stopped counting heart attacks and strokes at six of each two years ago. Then he had the infection too. First they amputated the foot, then a few days later, to the knee. No one, including the doctors can believe he is alive. We call him the Energizer Bunny. He is up and well and gets around with a prosthetic leg. We tried to get him to move here..... I can sure empathize with what you have been going through.

For the record, I do not touch electrical or plumbing. That's what my hubby is for! LOL If it has the potential to kill or ruin the house, that is his arena! Give me tile, shingles or drywall any day! LOL

I really hope to make it to the sale this year. It would be a nice, short road trip. I'm in the eight month of pregnancy with a due date of April 5th. I don't think I'll be pregnant THAT long but who knows?? LOL Anyway, I'm tired of Gardenwife posting all the nice plants she gets there. ;)

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Congratulations Badseed! I wasn't aware that you were pregnant.

I'm surprised that we haven't heard from GW on this thread yet! LOL! :)

deMonye's is also having a Pansy Sale during the whole month March. I need to buy some window boxes (or make some) for the Gazebo, and fill them pack full of Pansies. The sale is 50% off a flat. That makes them $7.99 per flat. The bummer is there is a limit of three flats per person, but they usually let you come back and buy more (they limit it per visit). That's what I did with the perennials last year, bought my limit, took them to the car, then went back in and bought more!

Their spring sales are a life saver, even though the perennials are sprout size, I usually have good luck with them coming back the next year, and boy, do they seem to grow fast! The Cardinal Flower that I bought last year grew to 4', and bloomed all summer long! April won't come fast enough, I want the sale now to be now! LOL......

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

Congratulations Badseed! I wasn't aware that you were pregnant.

heeeee heeeeeee heeeeeee
pssss shes always prego! lol

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Oh, thank you so much, Dave, for posting this!!!! I just love their sales and I am glad to have the reminder. Otherwise, I would have snoozed right by April!!!

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Thanks for the heads up!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the congrats Dave! Ignore notmartha, she knows I am biennial when it comes to pregnancies. LOL

I am going to have to keep these dates in mind. I think I might be up for a road trip, depending on my physical status on those dates. LOL

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

At least it's not perennial, Badseed! LOL


LimeyLisa Kay

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

GW shuffles into the room...hoping to be inconspicuous...

Hey, I've been waiting for you guys all week - where've you all been? Dave, I got that postcard this week, too, and it got me thinking about spring. :) Wilson's Garden Center in Newark sent out their spring flyer, too, and I see they're opening March 1. Yippee!

I think we need a mini-roundup for the DeMonye's sale. Who'd like to go to the sale and then gather at some local restaurant for a long lunch together? Hmmmmmm? :)

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Me! me! me! mememememememem!!!!!!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Oh there SHE is! LOL Hi Kimberley. Depending on my pregnancy status, I would REALLY like to make it to this sale this year. This time last year, I was still a walking zombie from my ridiculous hours at work. Not so this year! I think my official quit date will be the 20th of March. I'm afraid to say I can work longer than that. LOL Pencil us in as definate maybe(s). :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hey, Celia! Good to see you! Chele, enjoy some time off - you deserve it. Sure hope you guys can make it.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Me too, pretty please! Kim, we missed each other last year & not enough time at RU. I haven't seen Seed 'cept for once when she delivered me a truckful of plants! Oooo, I just can't wait!!!!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

LOL It would be great to see you two too! I just don't want to do any delivering in Columbus! LOL

Princeton, IL(Zone 5a)

Morph, sounds like she will be making another big delivery soon. Har har har! LOL

LimeyLisa Kay

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

***Dare I tiptoe in here too? ***

Last year I hosted (hostessed?) 3 different mini-raids to DeMonye's for the DG gang. I loved it!

I was hoping that spring wouldn't come quite so fast this year.

April 9? Hmmm, I just might be re-surfaced after drowning in Chemistry the last 6 months. I will keep my eye here, and maybe meet y'all here then.

And maybe (just maybe) I can do another hosting of the post-sale lunch. By then, I will be back to "normal" "Normal goofy" that is! LOL

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hi, Kathy! Good to see you! I think of you ever time I look at the water-loving plants you gave me; they're still thriving in that wine glass and even have a couple of new friends I pinched off a plant arrangment that was getting scraggly. :)

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Well look who it is! You have been missed! People have been asking about you. Now stop disappearing for so long! LOL Glad to see you Kathy!

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Hey, Lupy, so nice to see you! I was laying in bed last night wondering where you'd been and then here I've seen your post today :) I didn't know you were studying chemisty. I'm debating about which direction to take next (either Chinese economics or good old fashioned biology). Glad to hear from you girl!

And, Seed, absolutely NO delivering in Columbus! I wouldn't a clue as to what to do 'cept get hot water & clean linens. Hope you're feeling up to a trip there if'n she's not intent on seeing this world ASAP :)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

You forgot the most important childbirth necessity, Morph: Chocolate! For the huddled masses watching Seed's five girls while the baby's being born!

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

But of course ~ chocolate! See, I'd be not much help if the delivery thing popped up!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

You better keep that chocolate for yourselves! The girls are already fighting over who's turn it is to cut the cord. LOL If they are anywhere other than up front on the welcoming commitee, you'd have your hands full of angry little girls. :)

I am sure I will have had her by April 9th and if not, I sure won't be leaving home. Last time, labor to birth took 2.5 hours. I better stay close to home. LOL On the flip side, if I have her too close to that date, I'd have to stay home too-too many nasty bugs going around. This time of year I have the weather to think about too. Ugh. Maybe it will feel like June. ;)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

That's great the girls are so excited and involved with each new baby's arrival - how cool is that?? Sure hope you can make it, Chele. Hope Howie and I are over these colds by then - feels like we'll never quit coughing, LOL!

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

Count me in on the gathering at deMonye's, that is if I can get someone to cover my shift at work.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Cool - hope you can get a sub. :) And our dogs still want to play with your dobie some day!

Hillsboro, OH(Zone 6a)

Kimberley you are too much! If I come, I will bring surgical masks for you and Howie. ;)

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Good deal, Chele. And I definitely don't want to drink any of the water you've been drinking the last eleven or twelve years or so! ;)

(Zone 5a)

That's ok Badseed I can help deliver the baby just in case the
emergency squad doesn't get here in time, so your in good hands with all Kit and will bring the chocolate to soothe your nerves, I would really like to meet you.
If my house was a wee bit larger I would host it, I hope to see ya''ll there.

Columbus, OH(Zone 6a)

We need to devise a way that will let each other know who we are. I don't want to miss anyone. Last year, I stopped and talked to Lupi, but had no idea who she was; at least not until the pictures were posted here at DG. Maybe a nametag system or something. Does anyone care if I work on a nametag system? GW, would you mind if I used your DG logo you have posted on here?


Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Hiya. lt's not my logo, but Dave hasn't had objections to our using the DG logo on nametags. =)

Cleveland, OH(Zone 5b)

Sounds like something similar that happened to me when we had a little get together around Millersburg. My DH and I walked around the Christmas Shop for about an hour. We must have passed Esther a dozen times before Kim (GW) got there. (She was detained abit LOL) Name tags sounds great!

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Hey, I would like in on this too! I don't drive but I live in Reynoldsburg close to Main and 270. Maybe I could hitch a ride with someone.....this would be a great opportunity to meet all you Ohio DGer's face to face!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Great! Howie and I both had colds when he was on vacation a couple weeks ago, otherwise we'd have asked you to go to the Franklin Conservatory with us one of the days he was off. We'll all have so much fun, whatever we all end up doing the day of the sale. :)

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I think I have your cold right now. I am pretty miserable. I have basically been in bed for the last few days....I am glad the weather is cold and nasty. It would kill me to be sick in bed when I could be working outside. I hope this thing doesn't last long...I have so much to do after being away for almost 2 months.

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

Our colds were that seal barking cough kind. Blah! Hope you feel better soon - I know it's miserable.

Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

No colds, no baby delivering ~ everyone got that? Hope everyone is feeling better soon!

Newark, OH(Zone 5b)

(but we still get to have chocolate, right?)

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