A few more of my cactus and succulents

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

This prickly pear leaf was sent to me last fall. I expected it to get a few more small leaves but is this going to bloom instead?

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

This one looked so odd that I just had to have it.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Rhipsalis with one lone bloom. The label says filtered sunlight so I haven't put it in the greenhouse.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

The leaves (segments?) on this have 3 sides. No name on it.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hedgehog in the foreground. Behind it on the right is a prickly pear with a lot of spines and no name yet, to the left of that are 2 babys from the cactus that grows out on our local hills. They break off easily and I brought them home stuck to the hair on my horses legs. If I can locate the pictures of them in bloom you'll see that here too.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Here is a clump in bloom. These are very spiney as you can see and the bloom just lasts about one day.

Thumbnail by MaryE
San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

The second one is E. mammillaris. They only get stranger as they get larger.

Valley Village, CA

Hi all, Hi Mary, I going to give this a try. I not good at cactus. 1. I think this opuntia is going to have a new leaf, I don't believe it's a flower, because the tuft should be white.

2. I use to call this one 'Corn Cob'

3. Really a nice one, mine will have orange flowers Common name ' Drunkard's Dream' Hatiora salicornioides.

4. These stems will turn red, I have one that spirels. They are getting black spots from the cold.

5. Cholla, from our American deserts. I can see these growing on the way to Las Vegas. I don't want to get near them. Ouch. But nice flowers of course. I also saw a Crassula in one of your dish gardens. It could be 'High Voltage' smaller than 'Ivory Tower' just a guess, I can't figure out the size of the leaves, this plant mimics several others. For instance 'Ivory Tower' which is rather a chunky plant and topples over after reaching 8". Both are hybrids and boring. Norma

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Thanks for that information. Norma, tell me what photo has the crassula. Just count down from the top of the thread so I can see which one you are looking at and which plant in the group. I knew I was putting too many photos together.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

MaryE, Thanks for the shots!

The Opuntia is throwing a new pad I'd say.

If you get any more 'horse' cactus I'd be more than willing to trade w/ you.
I've been looking for some of those.


Northern California, CA

Evening Mary -
Your second image is a pretty plant and needs some direct sun to keep good color. I'd acclimate it slowly before putting it in direct sun so it doesn't burn.
Euphorbia mammillaris var. variegata

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Thanks Ric, I would love to make a cactus trade so will keep my eyes open for that posibility. These grow beside the road and often break off and hitchhike a few miles when cattle are driven along the road. Yep, we do have old fashioned cattle drives here, we just use the roads sometimes along with the cars. I'll let you know when I have some orphans to trade. And I'm happy for a new leaf on the Opuntia, but would have been delighted with a bloom!
Happenstance, I have that plant out in my greenhouse, it was put there when we were having some partly cloudy days so I hope it was gradual enough, it doesn't look any different after several all sunny days. Thanks for the name, the info on the label just was not very complete. The one in your photo looks very happy, do you know how old it is?

Camilla, GA(Zone 8a)

Hi Mary,
I agree the PP is growing a new pad, and no. 3 I agree with Norma it is "Drunkard's Dream' Hatiora salicornioides." Mine also has the yellow blooms..I have mine outside year round in the full sun.. It only comes in if we have temps in the teens, and that's only once in a blue moon..For the winter tho it does have the top of an open porch over it.. Great plant..


Northern California, CA

Morning Mary -

I've only had it since around September, it was a Home Depot $6 buy. (So often I see comments denigrating discount store plants.....I buy plants whereever I see them and worry about the ID when I get it home. Nothing wrong with the plants at the big box stores locally, just not a staff that can help with cultivation or ID info.) Mine will go back outside sometime mid-April, even in my greenhouse it won't color up like it will with real sunshine unobstructed by glass.

Same holds true for E. mammillaris also. Because of our soggy winters it also resides in the greenhouse for the winter months. Here it is last summer, as shown in the PDB http://plantsdatabase.com/showpicture/23713/

And the attached image shows the new growth and blooming after 3 months under glass.

Thumbnail by Happenstance
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

That is gorgeous!
I like the 1/2 sun idea.
Great idea and shot!


San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Wow! That is gorgeous. I have had this one for about 3 yrs. It was only 1 arm when we got it. It lives outside on the toasty side of the house. It has always been this light color.

Thumbnail by frogsrus
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Is it possible that these come in two different colors, or is it light that is going to make all the difference? (I can see that corner of the community pot is not going to be adequate for very long. (That gives me a great excuse to collect more misc pots from wherever I find them, some of my old rusty metal ones come from old farm dumps out here in the hills). Frogsrus, what is that growing just to the right? Do pieces ever break off it and if so, could I beg or trade something for it? The cholla cactus variety we have here never get tall like the ones I saw in Arizona, they only grow about 6 or 8 inches high, sometimes making a big mat about 3 ft across.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Mary, its a euphorbia. Zig zag. They get huge given opportunity. Mine is about 3 yrs and was about 5" or so when I got it. It is now 4'.


I will be happy to send a piece after it is done blooming.

I suspect that the E. mammillaris is two colors of the same plant. Mine gets blazing sun and it has never changed color. They sell them here as Ghost Cactus around Halloween.

Northern California, CA

The lighter colored one is a diffrent variety than just plain old E. mammillaris. If you want to get the "pink" coloration on Euphorbia mammillaris var. variegata, the sun will help and also a 1/2 strength dose of fish emulsion fertilizer.....go light on it especially the first time. Once a month or so and it should perk up and give you some lavender/pink color on the newer growth tips.

If you are getting your plants at Home Depot or Lowe's, you might keep an eye out for the E. grandicornis (aka Zig-Zag on most labels). Here on the west coast they often have them in a variety of sizes.
E. grandicornis

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Wow! I see this can get very big. I guess I could limit the growth somewhat by the size of the pot it gets since I have to be able to bring it inside the greenhouse after it gets put out for it's summer vacation. It is quite impressive, and is what my husband refers to as a defense plant.
Note for Norma, the crassula label says moonglow. I tried to find Ivory Tower, so far only came up with Ivory Pagoda on the Rainbow Valley Nursery site, that one looks not quite as neat and symetrical as mine, maybe that somewhat disorganized look comes with age?

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Mary, my zig zag is in a 1 gal nursery pot. If it were not stuffed in a box with 2 other plants it would topple. I am thinking a new pot would be in order. lol. It is getting to big for a window plant.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Looky here. It is blooming.

Thumbnail by frogsrus

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