Beth Chatto...I've received her book !

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

I've finally received the book Beth Chatto's Gravel Garden. How wonderfull..I've taken only a quick look in it..but I've seen my dreams photographed in it ! That's what I've exactly in mind for my southfacing garden. Is there anyone who's interested in this type of gardening too ?
BTW I've got this new book very cheap from an online ramsjshop:
E. 18,- (postage E 4,50 included).

Thumbnail by saya
Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, I have an aged copy (owned from new) of her 'The Dry Garden' published in 1978 :)

Not sure how much I'll be able to put this into practice in my new home in France as the rainfall there is much higher than in Kent, but we're at the top of a slope, so it may be very well drained.

I love some of the beauties that like these conditions and will hope to find a suitable patch. We will have a SW facing slope :)

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

How's packing Philomel? Great you still have time for DG because you'll be so busy now. I've heard of her gravel garden just recently, overhere gravel gardening is uncommon. My garden is southfacing and last summer it was like an oven... I have sun whole day ! I already have many plants that are suitable for a gravelgarden. I 've tried some plants that needed medium moist conditions, but they have a hard time in my garden when summer really comes.
Maybe it's an idea for a new forum to suggest to Dave.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

LOL I'm clearing out all the accumulation from 35 years at the moment - and using DG as a convenient excuse to stop every so often and let my back straighten out

I think it probably is covered in the xeroscaping forum - though that's probably even more extreme than anything we can do in Europe.

The gravel is a very good mulch to keep roots moister even under baking sun. I've only ever tried using gravel on a small scale, but it does seem to be a good way of managing hot, dry areas. I like it best when plants self seed into it.
Beth Chatto's garden is so interesting as it covers such varying conditions from heavy wet clay to the hot dry beds. It's a fantastic illustration of what's possible when you garden in harmony with the conditions instead of trying to fight them.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Philomel. Woow ...what a job..I've moved about 5 years ago into another house..just in the same neighbourhood..I've found it very stressfull. Pfff..I'm still tired of it and I have'nt even unpacked all the boxes.

By the time you're settled in France I have a lot of seeds to share for your gravel garden overthere because creating a gravel garden will be my goal next years.

I cannot find the xeriscaping forum on DG so I'll post my question on general discussion forum if there are more members who are interested in a "drought resistant gardening" forum. If so..we can ask Dave to create one.

Well ..don't work to hard and visit DG many times...take care of your'll need a healthy back sure the forthcoming time.

Castelnau RB Pyrenée, France(Zone 8a)

Yes, I certainly shall!

Oh, that forum may have disappeared in one of Dave's reviews then - great idea to ask in general discussion to see how much interest there is. I think xeroscaping was very specialised, but something more generalised on dry gardens might be a very welcome idea :)

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Terry has moved my thread on the Garden Talk forum to

If members are interested in such a forum please you can let me know at this forum. I love to have a place where can be spoken of drought and dry, well drained sunny gardens. Xeriscaping and also scree and rock gardens are related I think and can hopefully find a place in this forum.

Essex, United Kingdom(Zone 9a)

Yep I'm interested in Beth Chatto's garden but I only live a few miles away from it so it really applies to me too. i visit there a lot & have met her which isn't difficult because she seems to be always wandering around - offering advice & talking to everyone. I remember last year overhearing a very loud conversation betwwen her & one of her gardeners when dhe really didn't want him to remove the duckwwed from one of the ponds. They compromised :)

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Rosalia..Oh you 're lucky to live so close to her gardens. I 'm wondering that if I have a really burning question that I cannot solve other 'll be able to ask her when you visit her gardens ? At the backside of her book is a picture of her sitting in one of her beds..well she must be a nice lady !
Thanks anyhow !

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