Good morning World!!!

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

What another glorious morning! I can't believe all these trees are actually mine. I can see the mountains from the cat's porch and the sunroom and the view is wonderful. It was a coolish night and early this morning a thick mist arose from the lake - very eerie, but spectacular! All the plants fared well with the move and the roses and spirea look great as do the perennials but may have to repot again. Will order the top soil and muck today so that we can amend the soil in the beds at the front of the house and do some planting. Hope your gardens are showing the fruits of your labour. The cats for the most part have settled down already although Patch is missing the squirrels. No doubt they will show up soon when they discover the goodies at the bird table! Have a wonderful day :-)

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

sounds just beautiful Louisa-glad you are settled in(kinda)
have fun unpacking and arranging everything!
Let me know when your ready for some more plants for your garden.
have fun,

Mount Prospect, IL(Zone 5a)

It really sounds heavenly! Are you up in the mountains or are they just in the distance? Is it heavily wooded around you? It is a lovely area. We were in Virginia a year ago, but closer to the ocean on vacation, looking for lighthouses along the coast. Happy gardening. You ARE going to plant catnip???

Troy, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks dori and djm! Naturally I already have catnip!!! Yes the mountains are in the distance and we are heavily wooded but some people have chosen to clear their land - a crying shame really. Each to their own I guess :-)

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