Cactus and succulent babies

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I took pictures if these small plants that are in community dishes and a few single pots. When possible I also tried to position the label so it can be read, but I see that some of these will need to be clarified, so if you can't read them just ask. A few have no label but I like them anyhow.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Other side of the same dish.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Another group.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

A chocolate something with furry leaves.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

A few more.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

The foreground of the previous picture, this one has a nice offset.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I don't know what this bright little succulent is, does anyone know?

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I like variety!

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

One with a label, one without.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Another group. I hope you can read the names.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Other side of the same group.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Sorry no name on this one.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

A split rock, a cereus called Ming Thing and a few baby pincushions. The split rock seems to be sending up a stalk.

This message was edited Feb 18, 2004 5:26 PM

Thumbnail by MaryE
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

I hope this isn't too confusing having all these on one thread. There are more but I will start a new thread for those.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

These are GREAT!
Most of the labels are readible but hey NONE of the plants were getting here even have labels.

What's the label read on the Pincushion?
I think I just got one the other day.


Valley Village, CA

Just my input. I got a picture of all of them, and your dishgardens are great. The little fuzzy one is a Kalanchoe, there are four varieties of this plants,'Chocolate Soldier' 'Golden Girl' there are two more. Sorry I can't bring up my memory. The little one that looks like the bottom of 'Baby Toes' cv. may be a Frithia pulchra Fl. pink.
Fenestraria, Fl. white.which was my first impression.


Valley Village, CA

The bright one is an Anacampseros, variegated. I may even be able to find the variety. Norma

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Opps I posted too soon.
Does it read M. gracillis var. fragilis?
I think I just got it.
The flowers opened pale yellow.

Thanks for the lead!


Thumbnail by henryr10
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Ric, that is what my label says. I missed getting a photo of the bloom but there are more comming soon. Mine are pale yellow too and seem to last only one day. Pieces broke off my plant very easily when I repotted it so I had several babies to plant in another dish. The label comes from Altman Plants. Try or I think it is all the same place.
Norma, thank you for the information and kind remarks about my little dish gardens. They look so much more normal in groups I think, and since there were some suitable containers available I planted them that way instead of in individual pots.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

How sure are you of the 'Ming Thing' ID?


Northern California, CA

Hi Mary -

Your furry plant posted at 4:59 is Kalanchoe tomentosa

Care should be taken with Altman's labels, sometimes they are very very good and sometimes they are horirdly wrong. :-)
(Part of the problem is that the labels get moved around after they arrive in the store, but sometimes they are just plain wrong from the get go.)

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Do you think this wrinkly looking Cereus Ming Thing might be something else? That is what the label said that was in the pot.

Northern California, CA

Don't know Mary......I do succulents mostly, not Cacti.
There doesn't seem to be much on the web about that name, a couple of fuzzy images and then this one, which appears not to be as spiny as yours....but it could be misidentified also.

C. peruvianus monstrose 'Ming Thing'

Valley Village, CA

Mary, Happystance you named that Kalanchoe is absoultly correct. Altman mixes up the labels, not the stores. Let him take the full blame. I have talked to him a dozen times about this, he just laughs at me, he is the single largest shipper of succulent plants, so he doesn't care. I knew him when he lived along the coast in Malibu. He was a punk kid at that time. Deena, makes and names most of the plants. She used to buy plants from Rogers Weld, then changed the name, so it looked like they had something different than everyone else.
Okay off my soap box, but my hair is bristling.

The Annacampseros is I belive to be A. telephiastrum, bristly hairs, green/brown and will have pink flowers. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Ric, I notice that you made some comments about the 'Ming Thing Green' I believe it to be correct. There is also a 'Ming Thing Blue'.

It used to be a very popular plant because of the name. It's a cute plant, I haven't thought about it in years. Never saw it flower. Norma

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I wasn't disputing the 'Ming Thing' ID.
I wasn't aware there was a green form till I saw the post and searched the plant.

I have had one for a while and was never able to ID it.

Thanks again MaryE and Norma!

Keep throwing all the labeled shots you can Mary (and others)
even if they are mislabeled they give many of us a place to start looking.

My biggest gripe about the books and most sites is that they show mature plants.
That's fine but most of us start w/ babies.

I just found out one of my 'newbies' is a M. grunsii.
It looks almost nothing like the adult form.
Luckily someone posted a picture of some grown from seed that I ran across. Otherwise it would be years before I could even hazard a guess at the species.

And yes I know the purists here disagree w/ buying from the mass market growers, but it's WAY too expensive to buy named species in quantity here.
At least some of the growers are now at least attempting to label as other than 'cactus' in some markets.


Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Ric, the link you gave does not look like my plant, so I will call it a ? for now. Thanks. Next time I go where there are cacti for sale I will see if a plant similiar to mine has a different label and maybe we can start over.
Norma, I can see where this casual mislabeling would just drive you up a wall. You have a lifetime (almost since it isn't finished yet!) of experience and are a far more serious collector than most of us will ever be, and I am very glad to have access to your knowledge of the plants and the industry.

This message was edited Feb 20, 2004 1:31 PM

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Here is a better closeup of the one that came with Cereus Ming Thing on the label.

Thumbnail by MaryE
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I think that is Happenstance's link you are referring to...

I have no trouble w/ the label but I think that Cereus peruvianus monstrosus or Cereus peruvianus monstrosus minor is what it is in actuality.
I think 'Ming Thing' is probably streching the lineage.

Here's the minor:

Here's a common Cereus peruvianus monstrosus :

Here's a close-up of mine.
The color is a bit off. It's darker and the spines are actually a deeper brown.


Thumbnail by henryr10
Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Yes, that is it in the links you posted. At least the label was partly right. Now if I could just keep the people straight.......
thank you Happenstance and Ric.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I mix people up ALL the time.


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