June 4, 2001

Fayette, MO(Zone 6a)

Up and at em this AM. About 3:30 another thunderstorm with lightning and the works rolled through. Can't believe the rain we've been getting. One storm after another. At least it's good for all the new plants I have set out.
Jewell, think I will have to start buying some bulk creep feed. My little guys are starting to eat me out of house and home. But I'm so happy they are doing well, considering they were all ophaned bottle calves bought from an auction barn. My thing is they have lots of grass and I want them to fatten off that as much as possible.
EvaMae, glad to hear you have guineas. and neat about the bunnies.
Catherine, You might try mater juice on the dog. K?
well, grumble -- grumble off to get ready for the 8-5. I am excited about the fact that we get a new person today! Maybe I won't get so much grief when I want time off! And we are celebrating a birthday at work and I have picked a loverly bouquet of Stargazer lilies, tiny pick roses, spirea spicata-- little princess (I think), and for something not bright pink I picked stems from a yellow green shrub (that I haven't a clue what it is ) oh and it smells so wonderful too.
I let my amazing little farm dog on the porch last night. She knew a storm was coming before me. I told her not to bother the baby turkeys or the incubator with eggs . She always looks at me like what do you think I am a complete idiot? She was curled up on her rug this morning and everything was fine.
Happy Farming.

This message was edited Monday, Jun 4th 10:44 PM

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