How are the zone 10 and higher tomato growers doing?

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I would like to know how others are doing. Are you having problems or any virus or bug problems?
I'm doing great this season and would like to know how you are doing?

Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Tplant, I am a zone 10-11 grower and yes I've many problems this year. First came the whitefly and then learned I had the yellow curl leaf tomato virus!!! I did use a friendly method for the whitefly but then had to use the big guns (bug spray) and now things are calming down. My tomatoes are huge and we have been eating some for about 3 weeks. Crop should really start mature in about another 2 weeks. I give my thanks to Jul for some great seeds that she shared with me. She is a CA gardener and we were trying to see if our growing condition were about the same. We have a Dept of AG show this week and if I'm lucky I will be able to enter about 5-6 different types of tomatoes. Very few people try growing tomatoes and if they do they limit themselves to 1-2 types. Maybe I'll get some interest. Wish you luck on your plants and do share which types your are growing.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Islandgrower---I grow mostly heirlooms and a few hybrids. The hybrids only because they fruit earlier and make my wait for the real tomatos bearable. My crop consists of: four types of Brandywine including Suddath also Dr. Carolyn,Russian Heart, Marrianna's Peace, Glory,Glacier, Delicious,Beefsteak, Hillbilly,Enchantment,Anna Russian,Jet Setter,and hybrids--- four Patios and a beefmaster to name a few.
I had a terrible time with fruit flys which carry TYLCV in their larvae but Carolyn(Dr. Male) suggested I use the bug killer "Dacron" but Ortho replaced it with "Bug-B-gone " and after two applications ,the BUGS BE GONE and so was their larvae,leaf miners. If you had an attack of TYLCV I strongly suggest you spray even when you don't see them, like once a month on all plants.
I wonder how the Orlando growers are doing and others on the West coast and so on?

Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Thanks for the info. on Bug Be Gone. The best I could get here was a product called Padan. Could not locate it on my list of products available thru Home Dept for export. Did note that it was from Japan so not sure how safe it will be. Did spray and had some damage to the leaves but did reduce the whitefly. Can not harvest for 10 days but will be worth it if the bugs are gone. I have Brandywine and Brandyboy which are very happy and benting branches with fruit!!! Beefsteak XL and Sweet. Juliet grape, not sure if I will replant this one. It is very happy and producing like crazy but the fruit stays yellow at the top and flavor is "weak" was hoping for the flavor of a Sweet 100. Jul gave me a Banana Roma that is very pretty and not bad in flavor. Looks great on the plate with a bright red tomato. Also Yellow Perfection which is cracking and not from too much water just a habit of the plant. Will post again later with remaining list.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

islandgrower --- The Bug-B-Gone is an Ortho product and comes in a one gallon container. Check it out on the internet by entering "Ortho Products". I bought it at my Home Depot in Pembroke Pines where I live. It cost $9.95.

Cayman Brac, Cayman Islands(Zone 11)

Tplant, Have you ever used a fine oil water blend for whitefly??? I was told this helps and you can pick and eat at any time.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Hmmmm..... T Plant, I see above you said I suggested using "Dacron" which you couldn't find and then Bug B Gone which you said, I think, I also suggested.

I didn't make any suggestions for whiteflies. (smile)

I have suggested using Daconil, also known as Ortho Garden Disease control, which is an anti-fungal which works well for foliage diseases, though.

Carolyn, not bothered by whiteflies so has never had to deal with them in her gardens.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

I stand corrected Carolyn -- my memory now recalls all the problems I had with root rot and TYCLV and then after your advice with Daconil,which cleared up my viral problems, my tomatos became infested with white flies and that was when I used Bug-B-Gone and that was how I killed off the white fly and also the virus. They are doing beautifully now and I wish I had a digital camera to show everyone their progress.
islandgrower: I used to use soap-shield and an eco-oil spray that I can not remember the name, but I had to do frequent spraying and with Ortho product I only did two sprayings and no more white flies and also leaf miners.

This message was edited Feb 19, 2004 7:26 PM

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