vine @Antique Rose Emporium

China Spring, TX(Zone 8a)

Does anyone who has been to ARE know what the name of the purple/lilac flowering vine that is growing on trellises all over the garden? I know it's a tropical/not hardy perenial. I can't remember what it's called. Thank you for any info..

Angleton, TX(Zone 9a)

I have been there several times for specific items and it was in the heat of the summer. I did not notice the vine. Just too hot to stay long.

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

hag49, is this the vine you are talking about?

This is a thunbergia.

If this is the one you are talking about, it is indeed lovely. It also comes in a white. There is also one that has a royal blue color that is more of a shrub. Sorry, I couldn't find a good pix but this will give you some idea of it.

We have both blues @ the Farm where I work. ARE is one of our customers.

This message was edited Feb 14, 2004 12:59 PM

China Spring, TX(Zone 8a)

Thank you Smockette for your reply.. That is indeed the vine I'm referring to.. It was gorgeous.. I was told not to bother w/it as it wouldn't grow well outside zone 9.. I'm willing to give it a whirl and don't mind the trouble. If the place you work has them for mail order, please send me the link or the name of the place. I'm not sure if "The farm" was the true name or just what you call it..
Thanks again..

(Taylor) Plano, TX(Zone 8a)

I can't believe they told you to not bother!!!!!
I am in the same zone as you and mine all come back just fine. In fact, they get bigger, and bigger each year, and can cover quite a lot in just one year.
Just be sure to put a little mulch on the top of them in the Fall, and they'll return with a fury!

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