Help the Denali Wolf Packs - by Feb 13!!

Lutz, FL(Zone 9b)
Defenders of Wildlife needs your help again to protect the
Toklat and Margaret wolf packs of Denali National Park.
Back in 2001, DEN members like you helped to convince the
Alaska Board of Game to establish a no hunting and trapping protection zone for the wolves on state lands outside the
boundaries of Denali park. But now, hunters and trappers
have submitted proposals to the board asking that this
important protection zone for the wolves be eliminated.

Denali's Toklat pack is the most viewed, studied and longest known family ancestry of wolves in the world. These wolves are tolerant of human presence, giving thousands of visitors the rare experience of seeing a wolf in the wild. This could all be destroyed by a few hunters and trappers who want to kill these special wolves for their pelts.


Please send a free fax to the Alaska Board of Game urging
them to oppose any elimination of the Denali wolf buffer zone.
If you have seen these wolves, or other wolves in the wild,
be sure to share your personal experiences, which carry a lot of weight when the game board makes its decision this March.
Comments are due to the board by FEBRUARY 13, so please send your fax TODAY. Thanks for supporting the wolves of Denali
National Park!
Here's a link to tell you about Defenders of Wildlife:
Thank you to all that participate!

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