Combining Vines?

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

With little (but growing) verical trellises and such, I thought I would like to combine my vines. What are some pleasing combinations? So far I have several different MG's, red cardinal flower, crossvine, black eyed Susan vine, and a couple passifloras.


Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)

PINS I think the MG folage would probably take over the other vines you have listed. Maybe a combo of MG vines would be best. My Clitoria completely took over the cross vine and it could not be seen so I'm going to move the cross vine in spring since the Clitoria looked and did so well there.

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

That's exactly what I'm looking for. I sure don't want my crossvine covered up. Thanks, Donna.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

I grow silverlace vine and porcelain berry vine, and this year I am going to start morning glories on those, I think the combo would be pretty.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Just a suggestion...on all my climbing rose arbors, I have interplanted some clematis, along with some annual vines..this way, you have a garden in succession! Elaine

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Silverlace vine sounds lovely. I've been wanting to grow the porcelain berry vine. Does it ever get invasive?

Elaine, I've got clematis growing through my hydrangeas. It's so pretty to see the clematis flowering before and after the hydrangeas.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

pins - so far it is not invasive, but I have only had it a couple of years, now my cousin has one and hers is outta control!! It is darling where she has it and with the way it took over, I would personally leave it, but here in my spot, I will not allow it to get as hers is, just because my space does not allow me to.

The silverlace vine grew the fastest I have ever seen a vine grow, nearly before your eyes, I am excited to see what it will do this year again.

Schriever, LA(Zone 9a)

I plan on planting Heavenly Blue Morning Glories and white moonflower together near a spot on the patio where we sit in the morning with a cup of coffee and the evening with - well...something stronger :)

Yukon, OK(Zone 7b)

Last summer I planted Moonflower Vine with Hyacinth Bean Vine. By the end of summer I was pleased....but the moonflower vine does take awhile to bloom. I think they finally started blooming in August. But definately worth the wait. If I remember right, the hyacinth starts blooming in July. Their leaves look nice together. I really love this pic!

Thumbnail by Brinda
Schriever, LA(Zone 9a)

That does look nice together Brenda.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I had a huge white Henyri and a Heavenly Blue M. Glory together that very pretty.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I have posted rose silk and blue tie dye seeds on the trade page. I am looking for a red passion vine and maybe cup and saucer.

Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Your white moonflower and the purple blooms of the vine look great together. I might have to give that a try along with the zilliion other combinations I'd like to do. Hope I can find enough trellises.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Pardon my hi-jacking of this forum but......
Ohio, can you tell me anything about the Silverlace vine you say you grow. I have had one in now for two yesr (this will be the third year), and I have yet to have a bloom. I also have not seen the dramatic growth I was told to expect. What might I be doing wrong....or is it that it takes a bit of time to establish?


Sorry for going off your origonal topic Pins :-)

Decatur, GA(Zone 7a)

Not at problem. lol I'm interested in this vine, too.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

Riker, hmm, I grew mine from seeds last spring, and also had bought 2 teeny tiny starts bare root, it shot up so fast, it was amazing! do you have it in full sun? both my vines were in full sun all day and if I can dig out some photos' i kept growth recorded by camera and dates on it. Let me see what I can dig up on it.

My starts like I said were totally dry and dead looking literally when I got them, I dug the hole and plopped them in, next to those I added my seedlings I started from seed, it sure wasn't long before the growth just literally seemed to grow daily and before my eyes. It grew well over 14 feet in one season that is for sure, it was a beautiful canopy of white!! Let me look for those pics for you all.
there I found one of them!! date is on photo, I planted these mid April here and they were definitely bare root with no growth showing at all at that time. Will try to find some more photos of it. Also this vine went clear over from one side and down the other!!

editing to say this photo was in Sept, so 5 months old.

This message was edited Feb 17, 2004 9:48 PM

Thumbnail by OhioBreezy
Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Beautiful photo Ohio! I am deffinately doing something wrong :-( And it's probably the amount of sun light.
Mine is growing in partial sun.

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

rikerbear - is there any chance you could move yours to access full sun? or at least full morning sun, I think perhaps that would help out, my soil is very rocky and clay here. So my guess would almost have to be the sunlight.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

I will be adding Polygonum Orientale (Kiss me over the garden gate) in with my vines. It gives a nice shape & texture to them. Some people use Amaranth (Love lies bleeding) but I personally find that one repulsive.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Just a suggestion....I find that hard pruning really forces it to shoot out...Watch out, this vine is a house-eater for sure!

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