Air Potato

China Spring, TX(Zone 8a)

Would anyone have any spare air pototoes that they wouldn't mind sharing? I'll be glad to pay for some. I had a few people offer them to me last fall, but something happened and they didn't get sent.. So, I'm pleading again for anyone that might have some spares...
Thank you so much,

Rose Hill, NC(Zone 8a)

yes I can send some
send me your address subj: taters

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

ummmmmm, stupid person here....what's an air potato?


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

RikerBear, that is my question, too!

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

lol I wondered the same thing this past fall.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Thanks I just have to have one :-)
Some posts talked about the 'fragrence', and others mentioned no flowers, but beautiful leaves.
Do they flower or not? And if not how are the 'potato pups' produced?
Enquiring minds :-)


Alvin, TX(Zone 9b)

The name for them is Dioscorea bulbifera. They probably have a small inconspicuous bloom, but for every bloom there is surely 50 potatoes, lol. seriously, they are very prolific. They make a beautiful vien but if you go on google and look for air air potato or Dioscorea bulbifera, you will find that is is invasive if you live in a warm climate. I have one trade of them if anyone still wants it.

There is no smell to the plant or potato.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

OH PICK ME!!! :-) pleeeease


Vancouver, WA(Zone 8a)

So if you live in a mild climate, PacificNorthwest, is it invasive? Or is it just an annual?

Alvin, TX(Zone 9b)

This is just a guess, it might be invasive up there too. It is very hard to get rid of in a mild climate. Some areas have potato hunts each year where a bunch of people gather and clean out an area. They dig the vines and pick up the potatoes and destroy them. It could possibly be like the kudzu vine in the southeast. I would ask around if you are worried about it. I just have one vine each year and try to keep the potatoes picked up.

Alvin, TX(Zone 9b)

hag49, I might be able to find you some down here, they are everywhere down here. I'll look and see. Rikerbear asked me for my last trade of them. I'll look and let you know. If I find big ones, they are usually about 2/3 to 1 pound in weight. The bigger the potato, the bigger the leaves on the vine. Send me a message if you still want some

Denver, CO(Zone 5b)

Yay!! Thank you SO much texas007tornado!! Im glad she is finally getting her long wanted AP!

Magnolia, TX(Zone 8b)

Did everyone get AP that wanted APs?

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