Crape Myrtle Bonsai????

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Has anybody done it? I have lots of seeds and was thinking of growing some in a larger pot but wondered if it could be grown in a Bonsai pot and would it bloom? Thank you for any tips or suggestions! ( about crape murder!)

Crossville, TN(Zone 7a)

Yup- it can be done. Pretty sure it would eventually bloom too. :) If you plant them in larger pots you'll get thicker trunks- then just re-pot in a smaller pot-trimming roots/limbs,etc. as you should.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you crimsontsavo...I really want a piece of Florida in Saskatchewan and was hoping this could be done. :D

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Crape Myrtles do well as bonsai - they don't mind their roots messed with (too much), can be pruned hard, and can be neglected (somewhat). Only thing is, with the amount of pruning to keep it in bonsai shape, you'll miss most of the blooms.

There are a number of dwarf & miniature crapes out now, though, that would probably be great for bonsai. 'Pocomoke' comes to mind as a newer introduction. There are several, though.


Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank you Carter...I have a few seeds of the dwarf and I will have to keep an eye open for the miniature. Do you know who sells seeds of the miniature?

Houston, TX(Zone 9b)

Nope, but I have 'Pocomoke'. If mine sets seeds this year, I'll save them. Email me and I'll save the email so I don't forget (I'm EXTREMELY forgetful!).

There's another that is even more dwarf than Pocomoke, but I'm drawing a blank on it right now. It's also a newer introduction.

Moose Jaw, SK(Zone 3b)

Thank You!! You have mail! :)

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