New in Southern Indiana

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Cant't wait for spring. Tomatoes and peppers started in egg cartons in house. We have just moved to a rural setting with greenhouse 12 x 40 2/3rds in ground. One room 12 x 15 with electric baseboard heat. Rest is circulated electric heat. Looking foward to trying many new plants. 5 producing persimmon trees. Raspberries growing wild.

Thumbnail by LEEMARTIN
Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Welcome to Daves. Gosh, you ARE ready for spring. I won't be planting my tomato seed until about the middle of March. Would love to see your greenhouse. Sounds like the perfect spot to spend several hours a day.

Welcome to DG! Your greenhouse sounds wonderful. Enjoy this garden!

(edited for spelling)

This message was edited Feb 6, 2004 6:01 AM

Rutland , MA(Zone 5b)

welcome to daves garden

Sioux City, IA(Zone 4b)

Welcome to DG leemartin. I'm sure you will enjoy the site and all its wonderful people.

(Sue) South Central, IA(Zone 5a)

Welcome to the garden. It's just the best.

Colorado Springs, CO(Zone 6a)

your greenhouse sounds great! looks like you'll also enjoy the propagation forum on here-- they'll give you all sorts of funny ways to start those peppers! :) welcome!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Hello. Your greenhouse sounds nice, when will your little plants be put out there? I guess the eonomics make a bit more sense when the plants are tiny and the gh is large and otherwise empty. Tell us more about your place, what you want to grow and things like that. I have a new gh too, covered with snow now but inside things are growing and blooming. Have fun here on Davesgarden while you make friends and learn more and laugh a lot.

Johnston, IA(Zone 5a)

Welcome Leemartin, from another Iowan who is lusting for your greenhouse! As we look out across two and three foot snow drifts where our flower beds will be, a warm green house sounds (and smells) mighty nice this time of year. Welcome to Dave's Garden, the Friendliest Gardening Spot on the Internet. You must make arrangements to come to Round-Up so we can all meet you in person.

TUCSON, AZ(Zone 9a)

wecome leemartin, i used to be from in. mich. city. before i moved here to az.your greenhouse sounds so nice!! something i alwas wanted.look forward to hearing all about everything you are growing. sure do miss the tomatoes and corn!!!

Oostburg, WI(Zone 5b)

Welcome from another Iowan. Nice greenhouse!! No envy here at all, nope, nope, nope! :)

Crossville, TN

Welcome to the Garden from another Arizonian. You will love it here and wonder how you got along with out your "Dave's Garden Fix" each day. Jo

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Here is a view of the greenhouse. Have not tested the electric heaters yet. (Has not been used for 6 - 8 years)
Hope to get caught up so can get everything going. The dividing door does not close well and a couple of holes in the fiber-glass roof. (Snow on one to the benches)

40 degrees at bench level in the smaller room with no heat. 32F outside.
Will get inside photos when we get more cleaning done.
More anxious each day for spring.

Thumbnail by LEEMARTIN
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Grrrrr !

Don't ask ! I dunno ???? How I posted twice =(

This message was edited Feb 9, 2004 8:51 PM

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

....A big Welcome to DG =)
................ That is one kewl lookin' GH. I like the storage area at the end ,good idea. All to soon would I have that full of stuff also LOL.
I assume the banked side is to the north (cold side ). More Pictures ! More Pictures! More Pictures!
Pllleeease !!!

§hirley in Smalltownrednecktractorville,WI

Thumbnail by scooterbug
Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

Welcome, a little late from a fellow Hoosier! I joined this site and love it. I am not really a gardener, I just love to grow flowers! I have deep envy of your Greenhouse. I have always wanted one even thro I have no place in the back yard for one. You will find these folks the nicest, most down to earth bunch of generous folks on earth.Keep us posted on your growing adventures and craft items. Lou

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

Hi Lou, LTNS
Waddaya mean you ain't a 'gardner' cause ya only grow flowers??? Hmmmm?
If you grow anything 'You Are' a gardener ;~D

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

View shows the South side and East end
Both sides of the G H are banked as is the West end.
Ventilation Fan in the west end.
Will post some inside photos as soon as it is more presentable. Lots of leaves as a red bud tree was growing wild inside. We have moved in several flats and pots in our moving process last month and want to present best possible photos.
Glad to be a part of Dave's Garden Folks.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Today was a great day...
The electric heat in the G H still works.
We found the answer to where the water in the G H needs to be plumbed in, and we did it!!!!!!!!
Cleaned all the debris that had acculimated from the smaller room.
Levaled the sand in the center bench and watered all down.
Watching temps to see if the thermostats need to be adjusted
Put box fan on floor to circulate heat.
Temp at 8:00PM was 60 F at bench height.
Will wait a day or two to see what the temp is in the sand in bench.
Discovered that the GH had been out of operation since 1976.
Found newspapers and seed catalogs with this date in cleaning up.
Before photo below. Will post after photo later.

Thumbnail by LEEMARTIN
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

This photo shows why had to have G H ready.

Seedlings are ready for the G H. With more Sprouting.

Thumbnail by LEEMARTIN
Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

heheheh ! Yer just startin' huh ?
Looking good there, wish I had a GH =(
Wonder if I can trade DH for one? ... LOL

§hirley in Smalltownrednecktractorville,WI

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Wow, lots of happy looking little babies there. Isn't it funny how those little green plants will push you to work hard to give them a place to live! I'm waiting for more pictures.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Scooterbug... Not Just starting but just moved to location with this Unbelivable GreenHouse.
We had a 9000 sq ft garden last year.. More than my body really wanted at the time, but the two Freezers of godies are really tasting good now. Strawberry freezer jam, Sweet corn, the Green beans (canned) The Tomato juice The catsup, The salsa, The onions The bell peppers. The peach jam The wild grape jelly The raspberry jelly. We work hard but we enjoy..........

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Does the new place have all the berry bushes or will you be planting those this spring? Your freezers full of goodies are way better than the supermarket kind.

Bay City, MI(Zone 6a)

welcome from michigan!!! your gh looks great and i bet you will have it up and running in no time!!!

I found egg cartons didint leave much root room after a few weeks! got to get the GH going ;) Mine was 98 today with just sun heat-it was 46 outside! I dont use mine till late march-nites are cold and HEAT cost $$$$$$$


Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the welcome. Babies in egg cartons were moved to the G H today. Temp has been holding at 65F thru the nights. Was 75 - 80 today when the sun shined for a short while. Out side temp was 57 today for a short time.
These are for the early starts. Just a few for the early,Early teht may be Jack Frost bit. Will be planting for the main crop last of Feb. And will be starting for the later plants late March.
Also moved the plants we were wintering in the basement. Had forgotten to water them last week but they were still surviving. Want to start some marigold seeds tomorrow(today was just too short).

Thumbnail by LEEMARTIN
Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Excuse the spelling above, just finished my week of 12 hr days driving taxi and now have week off to play. But tired and not really relaxed yet.. Another day of gardening will work wonders.

Washington, IN(Zone 6a)

Good day all around. Kids came to visit that we had not seen since Christmas. (Bad Weather for the baby, Colds and work schedules.) Grand son Austin had grown 1/4 in in 2 months.
Weather was excellent. We flew electric powered model planes till we damaged wings in the trees, FUN FUN FUN with the kids and grand kids..... Picked up yard, trimed hedges in front of house(very overgrown) with son Michael's help. Trimed ivy along back walk. Son's help again. Transplanted (potted) 5 flats of tomatoes, planted 6 flats of marigolds, eggplant, basil and head lettuce.
Tilled, after mowing, large garden spot (40 x 60) (We are on sandy soil) to start tameing the sod. Tilled 2 rows in preparation for Raspberries and blackberries.
Saw first dandelion blossom in yard.(Can fresh wild greens be far behind?)

Thumbnail by LEEMARTIN
Dayton, OH(Zone 5a)

Welcome, Leemartin! I'm a bit East in Ohio and wanted to mention the KY Round-up scheduled for this September of 2004 :)

You're closer than I by at least an hour or two!!! We had a grand time last September 2003 and are scheduled again for this year. See these threads for some additional info if you would consider coming :)

The more the merrier and this is a wonderfully beautiful location on the water. You can camp, bring an RV or choose accommodations on site. Great people ~ great fun ~ and you'll never want to leave!

Anyway, welcome to DGs :)

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