Can I get your opinion on these portable greenhouses? Link

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

This is a link to a site that is selling portable greenhouses. One is domed and one is hex.
I am leaning tword the hex version ... it looks as if there is a bit more room.

Would love some opinions .... things you like things you don't like about these. Is the price reasonable for what you get?

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Hi Tree! I've got the domhaus and it has worked really well for me. I paid about $100 dollars more for it than it is offered at
It is not something you would use year round in your zone , it would cost a mint to keep it warm all winter. I started seeds in mine last year on Feb 9th over a bottom warmer. At night I covered everything with a quilt (tented of course), until it stopped freezing at night.
I started a whole bunch of stuff in it. I think it is definitely worth the price.

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

That's where I bought mine, and I too have the dome haus. I already gave you my two cents yesterday, so I won't bore you again. It was real easy to set up, and on the plus side I have kept tropicals in it all winter, 30 plus nights below freezing. Skyeblu -- where do you put the quilt? Over the top? I do heat mine with a small ceramic heater and its costing about $40 per month...

Tellico Plains, TN(Zone 7b)

......I was just at Menard's today. They sell The Dome and a couple other models. Looked like a good product and the prices were the same from what I remember. Cheaper if you can find one at a store ....No S&H

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

This is what I did last year:
I lined an underbed box with pieces of foam(the hard stuff that you can get in pieces like plywood.),and put the heat mat in it. It is one of those that has the wire cage to hold the flats above the mat.
I have the heatmat and flats on a shelf unit that I got at walmart. It's supposed to be four shelves high, but I only have it two shelves high. I put a set of poles in, as though putting up another shelf, but I put the cover over the poles to form a "tent" over the heatmat and flat of seeds and/or seedlings.
I used a quilt to cover on really cold nights(teens to mid twentys) and a sheet, doubled, when it was high twentys to thirtys.
I would cover them when it started to get dark and cool off, and uncover them when the sun had been up and began to warm up the GH. I had a cheap thermometer inside so I could keep track of the temps.
It's a little bit time consuming,covering and uncovering, but I would be in there checking them
Anyway , I had real good luck doing it that way.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

Thanks for all the help everyone.

I am hoping that a unit like this will help me extend my season, and let me move seedlings out of the house a lot sooner...... I wouldn't even be able to set one up until the snow melts .....

Last Spring, I used a couple of tent like "cold frames" and that worked so well, that I want bigger and better now of course. I know that this will only be a temporary fix for me too, as what I really want is a "real" greenhouse.

I've considered getting my husband to help me build one (seen some good plans), but he is so busy with work and the other things I have on his "honey do" list, that it would probably be a long while before he would get to it. (and of course I don't want to wait)

I would like to find one locally, but I have never seen anything like this around here. What is Menard's??? It would be great to avoid shipping cost. Maybe a google search for "local distributors of portable greenhouses" will turn up something.

I have a small ceramic heater that uses radiant heat in the chicken coop, it keeps it nice and cozy in there. This is our first month using it, so I have no idea what it's costing us. I think we have the most expensive eggs in the country ... ;-) Anyways ... thanks for letting me know that that is an option too.

I like to research all my options before making a purchase and everyone here at Dave's Garden certainly are a wealth of information.

Thanks Again Everyone!

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Tree, the reasons you give above are the exact ones that led me to get my dome house. That Hex one is very roomy, and that's what I would have gone for if I'd seen it.
The set up is easy, sort of like a tent. It is easiest with two people,but goes up quickly. You could set it up, clear a spot of snow and put it in. Stake it down and put down ground cover, and voila.
I have a larger, polycarbonate one now,(about the same size as the Hex one you are looking at) although it has taken FOREVER to get it up and ready to use. Hubby being too busy and all.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


Thanks for all the help. The hex version is what I think is the best one I have come across.

I think I will have one last discussion with my husband about going ahead with it or building one. I know that time is an issue for him, but maybe it would be worth getting a cost estimate from our local Amish. We had one Amish man build our chicken coop and he did a great job.

I'm still thinking that the Hex portable greenhouse may be a good "temporary" solution. If I get a more permanent structure eventually, I could still use this one too, or pass it along to a lucky relative.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

My DH was glad to get me mine, called it "cheap peace". I don't know what he was talking about, lol.
I will still use mine for "overflow" and overwintering potted perennials.
The Amish do excellent work, I'd sure check out all your options.
Good luck!

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

OK, I did it, I ordered the Hex Portable Greenhouse. I was pleasantly surprised at the shipping cost, only about $21. Most online sources I saw wanted more like $80 for shipping.

I still want a permanent structure that I can heat, but this will work for now. It can hold the overflow when I move up. ;-)

Now I can try some of those things I thought I wouldn't have room to start ............ what fun.

Thanks for all the help everyone!

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

You go, girl!

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Congratulations! The fun is just beginning :)

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Just went to the local Menards - they had one. I could stand upright in it. The only negative I could see was that it was connected with plastic connectors. We haven't had good luck with those= cracked and broke. I think they could be replaced with metal connectors tho. Good price!

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

What are you referring to Sarv? Mine didn't have any plastic connectors. Its a metal frame that is shock-corded. At lease the Gronhaus Dome Haus did not use plastic connectors when I purchase mine.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I don't think this one has plastic connectors either, but thanks for the warning about them just in case. I'll be prepared to replace or reinforce them if they do.

I'll keep this thread updated with my experience with this greenhouse. It may be of use to anyone else considering a portable one.

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

No plastic in mine, either. Sarv, what you saw must be a different company.

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Didn't even notice the company - just the greenhouse!! I'd love one..

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


I notice you are in the same zone area of Michigan as I am. I'm curious as to what and where Menards is. Is it a farm supply store, or a department store?

I'm in the thumb area of Michigan, and am not familiar with it. I'd love to have some place locally to visit that had gardening items.

I'll keep this thread posted on how the greenhouse does in our zone 5.

south of Grand Rapid, MI(Zone 5a)

Tree climber - I am just south of Grand Rapids. Menards is a home improvement store (similar to Lowes or Home Depot). There are several of them in our area. Keep us posted as to how well the greenhouse does. I would love one, but heating our house is just about all I can handle right now. I did get tiny little greenhousey thing (cheap too) to put things outside a little earlier. It isn't the best quality, but for the price, I thought I'd have some fun. It's only three shelves with a plasticy/zippered covering. Will give it a try! Good luck!!

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)


Thanks for the information. I knew that Manards sounded familiar, I think that is what my sister has in Wisconsin.
We're about an hour away from a Lowes and 1/2 hour from a Home Depot. No greenhouses at either.

I've looked at those shelves with covers too, may still get one for my porch. That's what my sister-in-law is considering too. I'm sure it will work and be fun.

Good Luck

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

Just be really careful. I got what I thought was a deal,a few years ago. A 10 X 10 "greenhouse" for $75 at a traveling tool sale. All the connecters were plastic( and the covering was actually white). I think it managed to last one season, then a windstorm came up broke most of the plastic. Now it is a very expensive tarp.

Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

My Greenhouse arrived today. That's pretty fast service.

No plastic parts .... the metal framing is shocked corded in sections and then the sections go together by means of metal "buttons" that slip into little holes.

We checked it out to make sure all the parts were there and there was no obvious damage to the cover.

So far, I'm happy with the quality. Now if some of this snow will just melt. I plan on creating a framed in space with gravel or some kind of stone for the floor. Similar to what Kaufman did .... she has pictures posted somewhere.

This message was edited Feb 11, 2004 3:50 PM

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

I'm exited for you, Tree. It is, a good quality, portable greenhouse. Waiting IS the hardest Enjoy!

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

My base is 10 inches of crushed pecan shells. I made a little center walk out of concrete stepping stones, but that turned out to be unecessary. I have extended my flower beds to encompass the area where the GH is located and once I get it mulched with the same, the landscaping ties will be removed. Will post a picture when I get that finished. Definitely check out the "Plano" plastic shelving from Wal-Mart -- its cheap and very sturdy! Gretchen

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