few aloes- any guesses?

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

Here are a few really nice aloes from the Los Angeles arboretum

Thumbnail by palmbob
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

I thought these might be A thraskii, but have no idea really.

Thumbnail by palmbob
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

And lastly (but not leastly) is this one from the LA arb

Thumbnail by palmbob
Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

And really lastly, from the Huntington, a real beauty with dark red flowers

Thumbnail by palmbob
Valley Village, CA

Bob, I would think they would have them all named with name plates in sight. Come to the Huntingtion, they are all named except for the repeats (extra) scattered around the gardens. We have recently reopened an old section, the section that I visited when 7 yrs old. The actually got the plat map out and put them exactly where they were years ago.

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

OK, I'll check, but only the last photo is from Huntington. Any ideas on the other 3?

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

If you have a higher resolution photo of the second one it appears to be tagged.
Look at the lower left corner of the plant.


Valley Village, CA

#2 could be Aloe thraskii from the east coast of Africa, why didn't you take a picture of labels that the Huntington Gardens so pains takingly put out for you. We go to great expense making these labels. Now I going to try for another one, this is not one of the species that I collect. I do collect the mini Aloe only, no room for the big ones. Couldn't go down into the garden today because of the rain. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Could the Huntington plant be A. ferox? I really don't know my big Aloe, so did the best as I could, the picrures are lovely. Remember I only guessed. Norma

Acton, CA(Zone 8b)

The plant in question is just 'outside the public' viewing area at the very bottom of the aloe and succulent garden just before you get to the spiny things (cacti)... I looked all around the bottom of that plant and could find no hint of a label, not even a metal tag with an accesion number on it. Actually, though most of the Huntington's plants are labeled, many thousands are NOT (believe me I have looked around carefully)... not sure if labels were just lost or never got put on, or no one really knows what they are. At least it's not like the LA arboretum where only 1 in a 100 plants have a label.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

The one with the dark flowers is torch aloe. They are truely beautiful this time of year.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

We walked around in the African tree area at the LA County Arb. for about 15 minutes looking for a tag on a beautiful tree there.
We finally found two.
One tacked to the tree at eye level duh........
And the other at a bench over-look area 150' away.


Valley Village, CA

1. A spectabilis or A. marlithii, A. excelas
A. Africama. or others in the section
2. A. thraskii

3. A africana hybrid

4. A excelsa

These names come from the man. Not from me.

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