Purple or Green tomatoes? yes? maybe?

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

I would love to grow some of these this year-- this green variety never turns red when mature. If you have some seed you could share I would be tickled to death. I have all kinds of seed I could trade you. I just learned of them and would LOVE to try them. Thanks Tracy

Judsonia, AR(Zone 7b)

oh tracy, I had some of these last year, grew them and never saved seed from them, hope you find some. I had green zebra and some other kind of heirloom green tomato, hubby loves fried green tomatos dipped in ranch dressing, man it's sooooo good. makes me hunger for green maters. LOL


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

The thing about tomatoes that ripen green...they aren't good for fried green tomatoes unless picked when they are as inmature as the red ripening ones. Green ripening tomatoes are as soft and delicate as their colorful cousins and will simply liquify if you try to fry them.

Green ripening tomatoes are best eaten fresh. They have a wonderful taste that would be lost by cooking them.

There are many sources for these seed. Tomato Growers Supply is a good company with a great selection.

What sort of Purple did you have in mind?

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

This message was edited Feb 1, 2004 7:15 PM

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Bloomlover I have green zebra and Aunt somebodys green I don't know forgot anyway its a big one which or both would you like to try.

I also have Prudens purple I think and cherokee purple. Email your addy Ernie

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


Purple is a word used to describe pink tomatoes. Just so you know.

It started being used in the late 1800's and many heirloom varieties have purple as part of the name, but aren't purple. Various shades of pink only.

Cherokee Purple isn't really even a pink. Craig LeHoullier who named it called it that, but he also considers it as a black variety, and yes, there are some folks who consider some blacks to be purple, but they aren't.

Confused already? LOL That's OK b'c it is confusing.

There are only two varieties that do have a tinge of purple, Purple Calabash and Noir des Cosebeauf, but I don't recommend either one as far as taste goes.

So, Eva Purple Ball, Pruden's Purple, Aunt Ginny's Purple, are all pink fruited varieties.

Cherokee Purple is what I call a pink/black.

As for green when ripe types, most folks don't consider Green Zebra, a variety created by Tom Wagner, to be a green when ripe type b/c of the exterior appearance.

Most folks consider the green when ripe types to be an even green color which develop an amber blush when ripe and would include varieties such as Evergreen, Aunt Ruby;s German Green, Grandma Oliver, Charlies Green, Moldovan Green, Green Grape (also bred by Tom Wagner), and on and on.

There are several excellent places to get these varieties and Tomato Growers was also mentioned. I'll also mention Sandhillpreservation. com as having a huge selection with excellent prices although turn around time is not as quick as for certain other companies as you'll understand when you access their non fancy website.

Hope that's helped.


Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

I have emailed Tomato Growers for a catalog, twice now, they said my emails have been accepted.

Maybe they don't have them yet, that was over two weeks ago......I really want about 4 different tomato seeds from them, my only tomato seed order. Will have to start seeds soon.

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

Thanks so much Ernie and Carolyn and Kathy_Ann your information was greatly appreciated. Tracy

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Maybe they don't have them yet, that was over two weeks ago......I really want about 4 different tomato seeds from them, my only tomato seed order. Will have to start seeds soon.

Yes they have them but it often takes time when not sent first class. You sound like me in that you won't order anythng online. LOL

But why, if you're in a zone 5a, would you ever be starting seeds soon, as you say.

I'm a mostly 5a as well, and won't start seeds until about the first week of April for mature seedlings by mid May, add one week for hardenng off and then plant out around June 1st.


Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

I start mine in March. Tropicman(Don) has already started his. Would you believe...........got my catalog today, such luscious looking tomatoes and they tell everyone of them are delicious, red, mouthwatering etc. Now, to figure out which ones to really order! So many to choose from.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


FYI, Tomato Growers Supply catalog is available, just got mine today!

Lima, OH(Zone 5a)

So BigRed, what do you think of their catalog? The colors are gorgeous and every one of the tomatoes are supposed to be "out of this world" in taste. Hard to pick which ones might be the best. I think each persons' taste buds are different.

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

Check out www.tomatofest.com I ordered some heirloom seeds and a book, and have been very happy with them so far. They have a tomato called "Marianne's Peace" - the seeds are 6 for 25.00.....

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

They have a tomato called "Marianne's Peace" - the seeds are 6 for 25.00.....

It's $24. LOL

And don't thnk there hasn't been lots written about what Gary is charging for those seeds. And yes, I know Gary very well and we've discussed it.

For anyone interested in the Marianna's Peaces seeds sold at a normal price you can now buy them at:

Tomato Growers Supply
Sand Hill Preservation
Victory Seeds
Tananger Song Farm
Mariseeds. com

All good places to buy tomato seeds, in general, as well as a few more than I didn't mention b/c they don't sell Marianna's Peace.

And yes, many folks I know have tried this variety, as well as myself, since someone saved seeds and distributed them widely.


Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


I didn't mean to ignore you, I just got back to this thread (I didn't click on the 'watch thread'). The catalog is great! So is their website which has beautiful pictures of all (most?) of their tomatoes. You should check it out.


Edited to include:

I also ordered 4 different varieties from them which I have already received, the service is great and they threw in a pack of "Snow White"!

This message was edited Feb 24, 2004 11:32 PM

This message was edited Feb 24, 2004 11:34 PM

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Red, you are going to be The Vegetable King Of The Bluegrass before you're done! How many varieties does that make now?

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Got it 'pared' down to a minimum of 20 varieties so far! Planning to grow six of each, maybe more of a couple of varieties. Got a BIG garden for me, I'm retired so I'll have plenty of time to take care of it. Just finished spreading the last load of five big pickup loads of manure yesterday, now to churn it under and wait...and wait...and wait!!!!

No one in NH is going to believe me but I just finished washing the cow dung out of my truck today. Unbelieveable this time of year in NH, washing your vehicle outside in February!!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Red, you are really goin' whole hog at that new place! (Or is that "whole cow"?)

You're gonna have so much fun this year. And picture-taking galore I'm sure!

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Yup Shoe, lots of pictures. Still got to till up a piece of 'new' ground for my taters, three rows @ 60 feet. Them and onions get planted in a couple of weeks :o)

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

I just rec'd my onion plants today...of course they arrived during a snow storm! Will have to hold them over till next week I reckon. Wanted to plant taters this coming week but they'll hafta wait also.

No matter...I'm content starting seeds in the ghouse for now.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Shoe, I got a couple bunches of Leeks coming from that company you recommended. I can't wait to try your "recipe"

Red; are you near Somerset, KY? It seems that I remember a "Bethelridge" we used to go exploring when I was in school ... or maybe one of my friends lived there, but it sure does seem familiar. :-)

FWIW, this year so far, I'm growing, Watermelon Beefsteak, Bali, Brandywine, Black Krim, Black Prince, Pineapple, White Queen, and a "free" Pink Thai Egg.

I've grown the all green tomato, they had a good taste... but I'm not doing any this year.

This message was edited Feb 27, 2004 4:32 PM

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)


Yes, we're about 15 miles NW of Somerset, out in the farm country, and some of the greatest neighbors. Love it here!

Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone! I am trying my hand at growing tomtoes for the first time, so I'm open to advice and suggestions. I have amended my awful clay soil with compost and tilled it all in, but am considering doing a big container on my deck over the pond that gets full sun all day. I ordered several varieties, many were recommended for small gardens. Have any of you tried these or heard feedback on them? Snow White, Hillbilly, Green Grape, Blondkopfshen, Marianna's Peace, Paul Robeson, Brandywine, Green Zebra...I have not planted Green Grape or Brandywine yet. I love tomatoes, and wish I had more space for a "real" garden. I want to try some small edibles among the perennials next year...

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Bali Brandywine

What is this one?

Have never heard of it.

Source and description please?



Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

(Have any of you tried these or heard feedback on them? Snow White, Hillbilly, Green Grape, Blondkopfshen, Marianna's Peace, Paul Robeson, Brandywine, Green Zebra...I have not planted Green Grape or Brandywine yet. I love )

Snow White; a pale yellow bred by Joe Bratka, splits easily

Hillbilly; one of perhaps 50 gold/red bicolors, not my fave but an OK one if you haven't grown one before.

Green Grape; a must but doesn't have the depth of flavor Aunt Ruby's German Green does, but still wonderful if you have the true indet strain.

Blondkopfchen ( note c, not s in name); a good yellow cherry

Marianna's Peace; despite the hoopla I found it to be just another large pink of which there are other large pinks I like better.

Brandywine; great if you're growing the Sudduth strain

Green Zebra; bred by Tom Wager who also bred the Green Grape above, many folks say sweet, some not, but it's too tart for me.

You know, I really don't mind commenting on varieties before someone sows seed, when still in the selection phase, but I sure HATE to comment after seeds are already sown. (smile)

Why? They're your selections and taste buds are not the same and nor are growing conditions and location, all of which can influence how a variety performs and tastes.

But you should have some fine eating with what you have.


Flower Mound, TX(Zone 7b)

Thanks - it helps to hear comments from the more experienced :) I was not a subscriber when I ordered my seeds, or I would have sought advice sooner...Next year I'll know better.

Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

Sorry Carolyn, should have been a comma in there, bali, brandywine, not bali brandywine

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

should have been a comma in there, bali, brandywine, not bali brandywine

Whew, said Carolyn wiping her brow, who thought a new Brandywine had popped up overnmight. LOL



Southwestern, OH(Zone 6b)

These little Bali's are FANTASTIC!! I'll definitely grow them again next year.

They make a great PB and mater sandwich!!

Thumbnail by Melissa_Ohio

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