More On Earthboxes

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

A few months ago I commented on Earthbox but now I talk from experience. They are terrific. I must grow my tomatos in containers so that I may tend to them. Weeding,mulching,
watering and fertilizing, all normal for any gardener but very,very difficult and extremely painful if you suffer from my disabilities. With Earthbox I fertilize only when I first plant,no need to weed because of the special cover, much like the plastic red mulch and you cannot overwater because of an overflow drain. My plants in the boxes are 50% larger and look healthier than my container grown plants and have far more larger tomatos and more quantity than the others. For me, they are wonderful and they are an answer to my prayers. In no way am I affilieated with this company. I just want to share a great thing so people like me can start to enjoy,no, love gardening again.

Hughesville, MO(Zone 5a)

Thanks, TPlant. I always wondered about the EarthBox and if it is as good as the claims made in the circulars I get in the mail. I'm so glad you have found a product that allows you the pleasure of continuing to garden even if only a little bit.

Pembroke Pines, FL(Zone 10a)

Leaflady-- It is not gardening in a little way! You can grow anything in them, even small trees such as Papaya,Corn,and dwarf fruit trees. Anything that grows in the ground. Look up "EARTHBOX" on the net and you will see what I mean.

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