Anyone Ever Grown This Tomato?

Louisville, KY

Someone sent me a few seeds of this tomato and described it as the same below and in searching for another variety I came across this Description on a seed site. Gary/Louisville

- BIG RED 85 days - We acquired the seeds for this tomato from a family in southern Illinois who had grown it for generations, and was always simply referred to as that "that big, red tomato". The large vines produce 16 to 24 ounce huge, sweet, red fruit, with just enough "bite" for that old fashioned, home grown taste. Perfect for sandwiches, salads or just eating out of your hand! This is the tomato you remember eating from your grandfather's garden! First introduced in the United States by Heirloom Seeds. Indeterminate vines.
PKT. - 20 seeds - $1.50

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Gary, haven't grown them but I purchased a pack from Heirloom Seeds (just got them) and will try them this year. Carolyn says there are two different varieties named Big Red as discussed here.

Bethelridge, KY(Zone 6a)

Oops, sorry I forgot, GO PATS!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

PANTHERS eat tomatoes! Be careful.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

There are several Big Reds that I know of:

Big Red (shobert)
Big Red Siberian
Big Red, the one I have which entered SSE back in 1985.

No histories available for the above three.

Mine is a large red beefsteak.

I doubt that Tom Hauch's Big Red at Heirloom Seeds is one of the above since he prefers, if he can, to offer exclusives. he was once an SSE member and may still be an unlisted member, but does not list anything in the YEarbook. Well, he has to be an unlisted member since so many of his listings come from SSE listed varieties.

It's too bad he named this one he lists as Big Red, knowing that there are at least three others with the same name.

But seeing as there are so many different ones named Polish or German Pink, what can one say? (smile)


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