Lilac Climate?

Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

I have many times wanted to grow Lilacs but my impression was that you couldn't grow them in this climate. I'd like to know if this is true and if any one has tried growing them in this area.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

I did grow lilac when living in FT. Worth back in the 70's, but the humidty and heat did stunt the bushes some.
I never got the full flush of blooms I craved, but some was better thna none.
Give it a have nothing to loose. (but the bush and time I guess hehehehehe)


Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks RikerBear. What type of lilac did you have?

Paul, I live over here south and west of Mansfield and a DG member sent me a small starter of a Lilac. Well, knowint this Texas heat the way it is, I didn't know if it would grow or not down here so I called Redenta's Garden in the Arlington area and they told me that yes, you can plant them in this area, but they need to be in well drained soil and kept watered, but not setting in water and give them the morning sun and afternoon shade, which is what we did. It isn't very big, but is growing good. Our house faces south to south west, so our whole yard in front gets all the sun so we planted it behind the house where it gets the morning sun coming up in the east and then it's in shade later in the afternoon during the heat of the day. We also gave ours some root stimulator to help it along

Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks CoCo. I think I'll try growing one, I found a list of varieties that should do better in warmer places and now would like to know if any one knows where I can buy them. Here's is the list of varieties:

'Lavender Lady'
'Blue Boy'
'Blue Skies'
'Forrest K. Smith'
'Sylvan Beauty'

This message was edited Jan 29, 2004 1:33 PM

Paul, check with your local nursery in your area to see if they ever order lilacs and when. If not, maybe they would be willing to place an order for you. I would say your best bet is to call Redenta's Garden. We do alot of dealings with them when it comes to buying plants and such and they are very qualified and they are also organic.
Click on the link and it will give the locations of their stores, along with their phone numbers and you can also email them to ask them if and when they order Lilacs. They are very helpful and very good about getting back to you through email.

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner ya know
As for what type I grew....well it was purple :-)
It was over 25 years ago and I honestly don't remember the name if indeed I ever knew it. Just keep the plants you decide on well watered and shaded if at all possible during the hottest brightest part of the day.
Mine were around and under catalpa trees if memory serves.
Good luck!


Irving (Dallas area), TX(Zone 8a)

Thanks CoCo, and rikerbear.

Covington, LA(Zone 8b)

Paul, I got Wayside catalog yesterday. It has "blue skies", says thru zone 9. Says it requires no winter chill to set buds.

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