Favorite Orange & Maters???

Garner, NC(Zone 7b)

I would like some feedback on the following varieties:
Dr. Wyche's Yellow
Russian Persimmon
Persimmon (different from above?)
Kellog's Breakfast
Nebraska Wedding
-(grew KB & NW last year and couldn't tell much difference)
White Beauty (in SSE)
Earl of Edgecombe
Golden Queen (in Tomato Growers Supply--looks diff. than in Carolyn's book)

This message was edited Jan 27, 2004 6:23 PM

Louisville, KY

I loved the Kellog's Breakfast and the Hughs; taste and size were great! Haven't grown any of the others.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I'll let others give their opinions and maybe chime in later.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Kellogg Breakfast and Earl of Edgecombe were my favorites. Persimmon was just so-so.Pretty, blemish free fruits though.

My understanding is that there are several strains of Golden Queen out there, and it's unsure if Livingston's original strain is still available. I've read something to that effect, and it may not be entirely accurate, but seems like there is some kind of controversy over Golden Queen.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Craig and I got Golden Queen from the USDA and it's quite different and much better than the Golden Queen that's been in circulation for so long.

There's just the two Golden Queens out there, the USDA one, which is a strain, and that's the only stain of Golden Queen extant. Linda at TGS lists the one I sent her as Golden Queen (USDA) and I think that's appropriate. So what she lists as GQ (USDA) should be the same as what's in my book. The photo color is a bit off as regards I think too light a color but otherwise looks OK to me.

The USDA one has the pink blush at the blossom end as Livingston described it, and the taste of the USDA one is much better than the conventional one found elsewhere.

Also, if you grew NW and Kellogg's Breakfast and saw no difference, methnks one of the two varieties was wrong. Sigh.

Will wait for other comments before any further comments from me.


Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

OK that makes sense as to the Golden Queen question. I knew I'd heard about a difference and couldn't pin it down...you may have discussed this before and I was just remembering a scrap of the conversation.

So, the better one in your opinion, is the TGS offering. I've been mildly curious about trying GC and now may add it to my list...which, by the way, isn't even started yet.

I'm way behind this year with garden plans.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

I consider Earl Of Edgecombe to be a very good non red tomato.It has an even mix of what it takes to be one of my favorites and generally I don't like non red tomatoes. I do grow it in the green house and have not tried to grow it outside if that makes a difference. Ernie

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

So, the better one in your opinion, is the TGS offering


I'm sorry I didn't see your question to me until just now.

Yes, I consider the USDA Golden Queen to be better than the conventional GQ out there.


Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

I don't know if there is a difference in Persimmon and Russian Persimmon. I grew Persimmon the past two years and really liked it. This year I am trying Pineapple. Got my seed from Totally Tomatoes. Donna

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