Can I move my 2year old concord grape vine?

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Does anyone know whether right now is a good time to move a concord grape vine? Where it has been the last 2 years it doesn't get sun until about noon, then gets full sun the rest of the day. It did ok last year (the rabbits and deer got really fat) but I'd like to move it out where it will get more sun. Should I risk it?

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

well, jenks
i dont really know anything at all about grape vines, so i did a google search for "moving concord grape vine" and came up with this really interesting story about these people with a 100+ year old concord grape vine ...,16516,463591-518349,00.html

hrm..i hope that url works
i know the article wont be helpful to you, but it's still interesting to read :)

i would think that you would be safe with carefully digging up and relocating your vine to a more appropriate location, but just to be sure, i would take cuttings and make sure they were rooted before actually going for it
and i would *definitely* wait for the plant to go dormant (it does go dormant, doesnt it?)

that's just my opinion and i am stating again that i have absolutely no clue about grape vines at all :)


Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Oh it's really dormant right now! I should root some cuttings...My daffodils are starting to come up, so I need to get it moved before it wakes-if I'm going to move it. Thanks! I am going to read the link now!

Lakeview, MI(Zone 5a)

Miss_k,that grape vine story is one worth reading, thanks.

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

yw :)
amazing that *ONE* single plant can live that long...

Social Circle, GA(Zone 8a)

Hmmmm......Mine is not that old...but I sure would hate to start over. I am thinking I should leave it.

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