Anyone want to a vine-seed swap (limited to 5 people only)

Mesilla Park, NM

This is what I propose: each one of us (6 with me) would put in five types of vines with at least 12 seeds in each pack. This is what I have that I can put into the swap:

Purple Hyacinth beans (5 Packs)
Cup & Saucer Vine (5 Packs)
Blue Wisteria Vine (5 Packs)
Coral Vine (5 Packs)
Bower Vine (5 Packs)

I also have Macfaydena (cats claw that I will put in if requested)

Please check the listing here to make sure you do not duplicate what others are sending and if you all could post here that would be great.
We are not to put any Radicans Trumpet vine seeds, or regular Morning glories/or mixes. We can keep this swap small so that we can all get some good mixes. Once I get them I will sort them out and each one of us should get 25 different vine seeds back.

Please post here so that we do not duplicate the seeds. If we make the swap any bigger, the seed will most likely be duplicated and we don't want to get the same seeds back.

These will all be mailed to me and if we can pack them up within the next two weeks, we should be able to try to germinate them in February..

So, if this interests you, sign up here and I will send off my address. You will need to send in a Padded envelope, with at least two .37 cent stamps and a label so that I can return you the same envelope you send to me, you may want to just tape the padded envy so that it doesn't get ripped when it arrives here and you can reuse it again later. If we get at least the Five people, the date to have them to me will be two weeks from today. Looking forward to getting some interesting vines. Antoinette

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

I'm in I have these

red cypress vine
angel trumpet
blk eye susie vine

i cannot remember the others. i will update this later today.

do we have to have 5 pks of each?

This message was edited Jan 26, 2004 5:14 AM

Mesilla Park, NM

jcf, yes (five packs of each), that way we each one pack of everyone else's, kind of like a cookie trade

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

not sure if i have 5 of each will check and let you know

Mesilla Park, NM

Looks like there may not be any interest out there for a vine swap..

we could do one between us. Let me dig up the other seeds I do have and (I know that I don't have enough for five packs, but I know that I have enough for one trade). Let me know what you think. been looking for passion vine seeds in red, maybe someone out there has some.

This message was edited Jan 26, 2004 11:56 PM

Franklin, LA(Zone 9b)

i would be interested in a vine rr type of thing..
but i just dont have enough different varieties of vines and in quantities great enough to do the kind of swap you're talkin about
sorry :)


Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

nor do i

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

nor do i. why not do a regular round robin for just vines.

Stockton, CA(Zone 9a)

If you do a vine Round Robin I would LOVE to join. But I don't meet the requirements for your swap.

Mesilla Park, NM

Oh no... I do not like round robins, sometimes they don't come back to the original person. Okay, what if we just send in 25 packs of different vines, do not have to be the same (only thing is, some will put in the same thing the other person will put in, so what do we do in that case) just hate for us to get the same seeds back..

If someone out there can do the Vines-Seed Robin, I'm in too. We can certainly get some different vine seeds. It is too much tracking for me to handle right now. I am almost finished with the Gourd Seed Swap on the other site, and I started that in October (the gourds are still not dry that some people offered for the swap) so it will be all done with the first week of Feb.

I also have some gourdseed vines (different varieties) that I can include, but, I hate to committ myself to a Robin.. (I'm Chicken) but it's true..

Brooklet, GA(Zone 8a)

ok i will do a vine and climbers rr. making a new thread for this.

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