First blooms of year

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

I have my first flowers of the year--violets! My lance-leaf violets (Viola lanceolata) are blooming and so are my FL violets (V. affinis). Here is the little lance leaf violet--I rescued these and didn't even know it until almost a year later when I found it blooming.

Thumbnail by ButterflyGardnr
Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Don't rub it in, BG. Up here in MD it snowed 5" last night. Today it just nastied all day which gave a nice ice coating to everything. Freezing rain tomorrow followed by more snow and then windy. Everything up here is black and whie except my nose which is bright pink after plowing 1/2 mile of road and 3 driveways. I'm sitting on my new heat box as I write this. Yes, I'm jealous.


Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

C'mon down, RBB. I have and extra bedroom and plenty of gardening to do! And it's nice and HOT here (in the low 80's today--unseasonably warm for FL this time of year). Course by Tues. night we're supposed to get a big cold front and be down to almost freezing, with a high on Wed. of only 60--BRRR!!! Yes, I know that y'all would DIE for 60 about now. Oh, and don't forget LOTS of sunscreen (we wouldn't want you to make like a "tourist tree" and turn red and start peelin!)

Very pretty BG!

I have a small passion for Violas, for one they grow with great abandon and little care! Our V. odorata that moved house with my Mom is currently in bloom. If I remember rightly she took the original plant from Waylands' Smithy a prehistoric sight in Oxforshire ... ooo was I an embarrassed teen keeping look out white she dug a small plant up! It's illegal now of course. It's a very deep violet, there were whites and pinks up there too.

It's always the first and last plant to flower in the year.

This message was edited Jan 29, 2004 8:37 PM

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

"I have a small passion for violets." Is that what we call it, Baa??? For I too am ensnared in that particular small passion.

Violets and all of the violas are welcome here. At one time, our woods played host to 10 different varieties, but I haven't been able to find a couple since the horrible logging off.

Right now, were I to go dig under the 3 feet of snow, I could probably find a johnny-jump-up in bloom. Not a wild flower, by strict definition, but wild in my gardens.

Please, fee free to remind us that there is a spring and it will yet come!!!!!!!

OK Kathleen, you're right, it was worded wrongly. How about this one ... I have many plant passions but they have to fit into one small Baa, so I have a large but condensed passion for Violets ... Just add flower *G*

Spring is definitely on it's way, honest!

Panama, NY(Zone 5a)

hehe, that about sums it up! Now, how about some wild roses???

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Spring is coming, I promise. Don't pay any heed to that silly groundhog!

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