what seeds in greenhouse?

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

wanted to know if anyone has started seeds in their greenhouse yet? and if so which ones?
has anyone started any seeds at all?

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Getting that itch eh moretz? lol I'm trying to hold off for Feb.1st. :) A couple weeks later for 'maters.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

LOL yes i am getting the itch, i have already started some seeds but wanted to see if i wa the only one that has the itch.have you atarted any yet?

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

No, not yet. I just rememdied the itch by potting up 5 left over amarylis bulbs from Lowes I got for $1 a piece. :) There is a thread around here somewhere though all about who has started what. I don't remember which forum it's in. Believe me you are NOT alone! lol :) I might start perennials this weekend. Echinacea 'White Swan', Scotch moss and purple pardancanda. I can justify starting a perennial a little earlier...

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

I have bunches of stuff started... but I have a longer growing season than many.

# of seeds Planted
6 Double Purple Datura 12/05/03
2 Papaya 12/05/03
6 Agapanthus Seeds 12/05/03
6 Red Star Texas Hibiscus 01/09/04
6 Gomphrena 01/09/04
6 Bush Morning Glory 01/09/04
6 cotton seeds 01/09/04
2 Senna Tree Seeds 01/09/04
72 Papaya Seeds 12/26/03
6 pink trumpet vine 01/09/04
6 Coral Vine 01/09/04
2 Orchid Tree 01/14/03
4 Pride of Barbados 01/09/04
6 Salvia Greggi 01/14/03
2 Coral Tree 01/14/03
6 Copper Canyon 01/21/04
6 Red Castor Bean 01/14/03
6 Datura Tatula 01/09/04
8 Double Purple Datura 01/09/04
6 Nicotiana 01/19/04
6 Black Fountain Grass 01/09/04
6 Zexmenia 01/14/03
6 Blackfoot Daisies 01/14/03
2 Sea Hibiscus 01/14/03
6 Gazania 01/14/03
6 Red Oleander 01/14/03
6 Texas Tarragon 01/14/03
6 Cleome 01/14/03
6 Banana 01/14/03
6 Maypop 01/14/03
6 Blue Mist Spirea 01/19/04
4 Dew Drops 01/09/04
6 Rose of Sharon 01/09/04
5 Sapphire Sage 11/01/03
6 White Echinicaea 11/01/03
6 Wild Senna 11/01/03
2 Sea Grape 11/28/04
12 Vinca 12/03/04
6 Candy Lily 11/01/03
6 Asclepias 11/01/03
8 Mexican Petunias 11/01/03
2 Imaptiens volunteers
2 Mystery Plant volunteers

Planted in Sponges: 01/21/04
3 Double Purple Datura
2 Papaya
2 Coral Vine
4 Pride of Barbados
3 Datura Tatula
3 Tree Senna
3 Texas Hibiscus
1 Gold Esperanza

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

PS the majority of the above listed seeds are now seedlings :)

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Someone has been busy! And likes papaya!!! :)

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

boy i envy you.lol i wish i could have that many going but like you said my growing season isent as long as yours. we are expecting ice or snow saturday nite into sunday morning and i was planning on putting plastic on my gh this weekend but it isent going to happen i have to work tomorrow so it will be next weekend before i can out it on happy gardening everyone

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

EBA: Yes, I love papaya, and have never grown it, but know I need multiple trees to get frui t even from one. They are grown as annuals here, but with any luck at all, I'll have fruit by Fall :)

Moretz: Spring will be here before you know it. To cut down on cabin fever, maybe you could try some seeds in sponges. Several of us have been trying that in the last couple of days, and having fun with it!

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

never heard of sponges please do tell lol

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)


Here's the link -- its quite a long one, but worth the read :)

Stockton, MO(Zone 6b)

OK,now I'm drooling. Lol
I'm definatly going to start some stuff on Sunday. I've been wanting to, for about two weeks, but the GH wasn't quite ready. I got a heater at Walmart this week, and now I think I,m ready to go.
moretz, that is too bad that the weather is going to be yuckey just when you had time to put on the plastic! Better luck next weekend.
Going to check on the sponges now.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

thanks for the link

thanks maybe next weekend i hope.we are now under a "winter storm warning" and dont know how much we will be getting glad i dont have to work sunday lol if i did i wouldnt be going in heheheheheheheh. checking out the sponges

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Happy to help!

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

Gretchen you go girl---- I wish I were in your greenhouse. I have started quite a bit of stuff in mine also---but since we all were sick for over a month (not all at the same time thank GOD) I got a "late" start. I have got
petunias--singles and doubles
butterfly weed
coneflowers--purple and white
rose mallow
lobelia--red and blue
sweet peas
painted daisys
Texas star Hibiscus
hardy hibiscus--red-pink and white
calico flower
pelican flower
crazy daisy and shasta
going to plant my maters next week--****(still needing seed)Hint Hint!
We also have a long hot growing season. I am so thankful of my greenhouse or I would go crazy (not that I am not already haha!) Tracy

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

Today I purchased some grow lites, tomorrow, I will start the seeds, I hope! Want to grow Morning Glories for our club's plant sale in May! All varieties!....even President Tyler(what a beauty!) Elaine

Midland, TX(Zone 7a)

Pinus: ponderosa, eldarica, strobiformis.
New Mexico Locust
New Mexico Privet
Golden Currant
Woods Rose
Sumacs: Three-leaf, smooth leaf, and little leaf

I am trying to cover 170 feet of fence between us and a junk yard. Next, I'm going to start vines. Is it too early to start Morning Glories in zone 7a (smack dab in the middle of Texas)?

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Linda: I've always found morning glories do better when soaked overnight, then direct sown. And yes, its too early to plant them outside. Since you are trying to permanently cover a fence, you might try something like coral honeysuckle which is evergreen, or any number of other evergreen vines like ivy, etc. Hope this was helpful :)

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

morning glories like warm soil. The most 'eat the house' growing vine I've grown so far is lablab (purple hyacinth bean vine). It grows like kudzu, but it's an annual, which is a good thing. :)

Midland, TX(Zone 7a)

I'm planning to add lots of different vines, many of them evergreen, but I won't be able to get the whole 170' prepared this year. For one thing, it's where all my burr grasses reside; I'm planning to sheet mulch an area at a time and plant it to perennial vines as I get each section done. But I'd like some "instant gratification" this summer on something that's an annual that I won't mind pulling up later (that will, in fact, give me a reason to water so that I can pull up *all* the weeds along the fence this year). So Morning Glories are my temporary company.

No one gets them started early in their greenhouses?

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

I do all the time....start them in my greenhouse and they turn out just fine....start early to get bigger and bushier vines! Many of them(the seedlings or plants, by May...go to my gdn club's sale! They aasked me to do more this yr! E.

smithton, MO(Zone 5a)

yeah.....im so relieved....whew..i have started a bunch of morning glorys already....i have one batch that already has their 2nd set of leaves.....i heard it was too early...but im new to starting seeds so i had to try them...i had lots of great ppl from here send me seeds and then i bought some...the main reason i wanted to start them early was it is my understanding that my growing season in zone 5 isnt really long enuff to get nice blooms..i also have started----painted daisys, galardia(spelling), cup and saucer vine, velvet queen sunflower, moon flower, purple bell vine, calico flower and some epiphyllum seeds which have done nothing.....im so glad that there is someone else who has started morning glorys inside a green house...thanks for the great relief...and happy growing...looks like from the above lists i will have to try lots more next year....this is my first try with my green house

yall are great

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

You people have started seeds of lots of interesting things. Too early here in my zone 5 area for most things. I did plant some soaked pansy seeds that should be showing up soon. I didn't plant all the brug seeds that i had last year so 3 varieties of those are soaking now. It was quite nice here today, some sun and 41 degrees, the warmest for a month, but supposed to go back to teens tonight. Donna

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

I too started MG seeds in the house/modifiedGH and they were in bloom by the time I planted them out on the first of June. They grew so well that they vined all around each other and I had to plant a block of them. I am trying very hard to wait until next week to start the strangest (read weird and long germination instructions) of my seeds and will try to hold off til the end of February to start the majority. We started too early last year and my house looked like the little shop of horrors by May.

hickory, NC(Zone 7a)

WOW i am glad that i am not the only one starting seeds LOL but i love it thanks everyone for letting me know what you have planted helps me alot to see whati need to get started

California, MD(Zone 7a)

Don't forget to keep those pansies in the dark or they won't propagate properly. Keep the bottoms (around 70°) warm and the tops cool (around 55°).


Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

oops, double post :)

This message was edited Feb 1, 2004 10:25 PM

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Okay, we'll here's my 'greenhouse'. lol It's one of those things from BigLots, I have 3 of them. I only started 4, 2" pots of each kind of seed. 8 flats in all. I started all these today:

top shelf:

red cypress vine
clitoria ternatea
clematis 'ville de Lyon'
morning glories - purple tie dye, flying saucers, pearly gates, crimson rambler, variegated dwarf picotee
moonflower - pink, white
sunflower - Del Sol, Velvet Queen
zinnia - Purity, Envy, Violet Queen, Lavender Gem

middle shelf:

alyssum 'Carpet of Snow'
impatiens 'Dwarf White Baby'
malope 'the Vulcan'
nicotiana 'Only the Lonely'
lobelia 'Crystal Palace'
dracocephalum moldavica
lagurus ovatus
petunia double cascade 'Glorious'
salpiglossis 'Bolero mix'
nierembergia 'Purple Robe'

bottom shelf:

coreopsis 'Limerock Ruby'
dame's rocket
lantana 'Confetti'
geranium 'Splish Splash'
verbascum phoeniculum
linaria nevadaiensis 'Grenada Sol'
ageratum 'Hawaiian Blue'
nicotiana 'Sensation mix'
osteospermum 'Dandenong White'
blue cardinal flower


texas lonestar hibiscus
echinacea 'White Swan'
pardancanda - purple


Thumbnail by ecobioangie
California, MD(Zone 7a)

We have a BigLot around here somewhere. How much are they charging for them?

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

$20 :) :) :)

GOD's Green Earth, United States(Zone 8b)

Wow! That's a great deal! Do they have the lights and everything? Even without lights, that's GREAT!

California, MD(Zone 7a)

I was going to ask the same question. Boy, those Chinese peons must work awfully cheap. :O)

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

lol They are without the lights. It's three shelves and a cover. I have strung an extra light over the top rail with some wire on mine. Even without that you can have 2 shelves with lights easy with S hooks. About 4' tall over all. They make a 2 shelf one that is $15 I think.

Edmonton, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes they are great - I bought one last year for the seeds that not only want bottom heat but humidity and warm everything. Got mine from Lee Valley though so paid more.

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