Kalanchoe Thyrsiflora

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I really would like some of these really really badly. Anyone have some they need to get out of the way? (lol)

Valley Village, CA

I find that the true species (documented) is hard to come by, they don't grow that fast, and require winter warmth.I hope you can find this species as the flower is a bright gold yellow, and sweetly scented. It's a WOW on my chart. Norma

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

sent you email

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

I've had mine for 2 years now and it's VERY slow growing.
It is also very beautiful in Summer color.
Now that it's settling in I'm hoping to get started propagating it this Spring.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

I will have to keep an eye, or rather a nose, on mine. It has bloomed in the past and will bloom again soon, but I never tried smelling the flowers. Of course I don't know if I have the pure species or not.

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Molly, I went out today and this plant is everywhere here. Target even had it in 3 sizes. Selling the larger ones as a flap jack plant of all things. Priced at 2.99 to 6.00 for largish 6" pot. My "real "nursery had a few really nice ones. Maybe they are coming you way when the weather between us is better.

Valley Village, CA

I don't think we are talking about the same plant, it's more like peaches and plums. This species will have the golden yellow flower, will be heavly pruinose, looks like cigar ashes have been dropped between the leaves. The leaves will not be a big or shaped like K. luciae. spelling, you must watch out for my poor spelling. The true Kalanchoe trysiflora the Huntington introduced a few years ago, it's really not important to me what you call this plant, but if you want it I must know which one you want. This plant is not available any other place at this time, well perhaps Smoley's, other than the Huntington Gardens, I will look in my catalogues again. The only tecnical book I can find it in is Toelkens. I grew 100 of these little cuties for the Huntington a couple of years ago, again Ric, look at page 71 in Toelkin. Listed as #13
is the old Kalanchoe thyrsiflora, the names were switched when they were babies, K.thyrsiflora has bright deep yellow flowers. yes, thyrsiflora was called the flap jack plant, now it is called K.luciae ('Flap Jack' plant) I also grew 100 of the luciae and personally gave them all the stock I had at home to meet the demands for ISI of K. luciae, which has bright red leaves this time of year, mine is getting ready to flower the spike is on the way up. K. thyrsiflora does not have a flower spike the deep yellow flowers fall down. Gosh guys, give me a break, I work at the place. Molly which one do you really want? They should start from a leaf. Do you have a picture of what you want. If it is the 'Flap Jack' one I do have extra of these in my garden. Norma

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

My Kalanchoe Thyrsiflora originally came from Smoleys.
It is a cutting sold to me by a friend as part of a collection. It hasn't bloomed yet.

I added some new shelving and lights in the cactus area last weekend.
We'll see if the succulents start behaving a little better or I need to ramp it up w/ more lights.
It would be nice to get them outside but at 9 degrees I don't think they'd like it much. lol


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

I picked a bunch of them up wholesale the other day. Take a look at the picture. This one has had a nice amount of sun to get so rosey.

Thumbnail by MollyMc
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

That IS some seriously nice color.
Was that listed as K. t. or Flapjack Plant?

How big is that pot?


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Ric, they are kalanchoe thyrsiflora. The wholesaler used the nickname "Flapjacks" but I've seen them around in pictures with the nickname Bronze Sculpture, Desert Cabbage. Maybe those are nicknames to different hybrids of the kt. But the structure on my plant is "chubbier" than of those shown in the data base and other pics I've seen. What else can you tell me about them?


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Ric, sorry I forgot, thats a 6" pot

Oh yeah, what's really fun, of the dozen I bought, at least 1/2 of them have well rooted babies. :^)


This message was edited Jan 22, 2004 11:08 AM

San Diego, CA(Zone 10a)

Vry prety. Glad you found them.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

They are great!
At least 4 times larger than mine.
But hey we can only grow outdoors for about 7 months.

I give ours a heavy drink every few weeks in the winter.
In summer I don't really water except to fertilize.
We get enough rain to more than cover it.
Your sun is MUCH more intense so I'm not really sure how I'd handle it. Supposedly they are full sun.


Valley Village, CA

That is the one called K.luciae. The picture if gorgeous and more purplish red than mine get, mine just get a fire engine red. The color is probably due to the cold weather, the the plants is trying to protect its self from damage, so all the cell rush up to the epidermis. Smart

'FlatJack' plant = K. luciae Now is this the one that you want? This one I do have an extra of that I'm willing to trade. Ric is this the one you are talking about?

I have it in flower now, It has white flowrs about 18" above the leaves. This year the flowers seem shorter than before. But we haven't had rain for a month. Norma

Valley Village, CA

Molly if you have the species with the yellow flowers, no need to keep your nose on it. You will smell it immediately upon walking in the room, or greenhouse. It is highly perfumed. Norma

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

wow, if anyone finds one of those cheap enough to be worth shipping costs drop me a line! :)

Valley Village, CA

Molly, that plant is now called luciae, I undedrstand that you got it wholesale, so you don't need it any more. Norma
My information on that plant comes from the International Plant Introductions. I has been published as so. Norma

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