Lunar Gardening

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

I don't mean gardening on the moon but by the lunar calander. Is anyone up on this? I had a client ask me about it the other day, and now I'm interested to find out about this. It sounds fascinating.
Thanks, Miggy

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

I have a wonderful book about gardening by the moon. Raising with the Moon, the Complete Guide to Gardening and Living by the Signs of the Moon by Jack R. Pyle and Taylor Reese. It even covers when to have a tooth pulled to have less bleeding, and when to get a haircut so it grows back more slowly.

I haven't had an opportunity to practice it but plan to do so in my next garden. My grandfather, who was a county ag agent, always did. Others swear there's no difference.

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Thanks darius, I'll look for it in the library. I posted this Q in another forum, and was told to look for a thread called "Do you use the rythm method", so I'll go and see what it says....

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Miggy, watch out... it might be a conception (or contraception) thing, LOL! Isn't that what they called it?

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

It might work better for gardening than it did for contraception, a reason many of us are here.

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

It's true, that's how my daughters are here!!

Dallas, TX(Zone 7b)

I stumbled across this great link the other day, hope it helps:

If you use Outlook, here's a link that will put the phases of the moon into your calendar (click on downloads):

And a small program that will pop up a calendar with the phases in your tray:

I'm basically a beginner gardener. I've been around huge gardens all my life (I've grown small ones in other states), but I'm new to Texas and I'm finding it a challenge...

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh cool, thanks a lot! Good luck in Texas!! I'm a Nor'easter myself.

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

deby1, Thanks for the link for sending for a Plant by Moon Calender. I used to remember to plant and weed, etc. that way years ago but got away from it. So i will send for the calender and start planting that way again. Donna

Welches, OR(Zone 6b)

I just wanted to add that Biodynamic gardening works this way. Last year I started some seeds 2-3 days before a full moon and some at other times. I was amazed at the germination rate and healthiness of the plants started before the full moon.

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