Challenge Results - Week 2 (Ending Jan 17, 2004)

Albany (again), NY(Zone 5b)

Hi folks, we're seeing some good progress (myself excluded). I believe I have captured the totals for everyone so far - here goes!

Note - let's send some extra congratulations to the folks in bold - each of these people is a third of the way there.

Name 17-Jan Total Loss % goal for week % goal
Bug_Girl 0 0 0% 0%
cbrandenburg -1 -4 5% 20%
darius 0 0.5 0% -5%
Dea PENDING -2 0% 10%
dough448 -4 -9 12% 28%
Greenwood -2 -2 67% 67%
JoanJ -1 -6.9 5% 35%
leaflady 0 -0.5 0% 10%
Lenjo -2 -2 10% 10%
lilyfan -2 -4 10% 20%
Melissa_Ohio -2.5 -4.5 13% 23%
Miggy 0 0 0% 0%
mtnmama PENDING 0 0% 0%
roadrunner PENDING -8 0% 40%
sbarr 1 1.6 -8% -13%
springsong 0 0 0% 0%
Sugar_fl -1 0 10% 0%
sveiks -2 -5 13% 33%
tomden 0 0 0% 0%
vic PENDING 0 0% 0%
woodspirit1 -2 -8 8% 31%
ZenZinnia 0 -1 0% 8%

Also, if anyone has any suggestions on how this could be displayed better, please let me know. One of the few downsides of DG is that extra spaces seem to be eliminated, so I couldn't line up the columns.

This message was edited Jan 19, 2004 7:03 PM

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