Queeny Hollyhock?

Franklin, WI(Zone 5a)

I bought some seeds today from Wally World. They're only suppose to get 20-30 inches tall and are grown as an annual. Has anyone grown this before, and if so, does it really stay that dwarf?


Central, AR(Zone 7b)

Sandy I bought them also because they say they are dwarf. I have my doubts since they are hollyhocks but in case they are they are going to be beautiful. I loved the picture of them on the package so now we will have to wait to see the plants. I to would like to know if someone has grown the "Queeny" variety. Tracy

OSAKA, Japan(Zone 9b)

Hi Sandy ,Trasy ,

How is your` Queeny' getting along ?
My Queeny Hollyhock purple bloomed for the first time yesterday.
I had ordered the seeds when I saw Sandy's post.
I sowed them on Feb.11.
They are extremely dwarf , about 50cm high.
Rare and gorgeous . I love them so much.
Thank you both for your information.

This message was edited Jul 18, 2004 4:19 PM

Thumbnail by Tomtom
Brown City, MI(Zone 5a)

I purchased Queeny Purple plants at the beginning of summer.

There's nothing dwarf about the ones I have ... they're 3feet plus. Maybe there is a dwarf and a reg. sized one.

Edited to add, that I just measured one of mine, and it is 4 feet tall, but it is a sturdier plant than a lot of Hollyhocks.

This message was edited Jul 18, 2004 8:21 PM

Thumbnail by Tree_Climber

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