Need trees

Cobleskill, NY(Zone 5a)

We just got the bad news. Our yard has been flooding and we need to do major "yard construction". Two
willow trees also need to come out. I love these trees! They are the only big trees we have and the only
ones that provide shade. Does anyone know what could replace them? Hopefully something that grows quickly. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

Elizabethton (Stoney, TN(Zone 6b)

Can you plant new willow trees? I've always heard they grow pretty fast, especially if you have an underground water source. I love the 2 willows in my backyard and feel badly for you.

Cobleskill, NY(Zone 5a)

Sadly,no. We need to put in all kinds of perforated pipes to divert the water and the roots will plug them. I guess willows are the only trees that will do this, we had to take down one already because it plugged our perimiter drain pipe. What a mess!!!I hate to loose these two. I will only have one left, and it is not in the best spot. I would really like to replace them as soon as I can. Do you have any ideas?

That an excellent question as roots can cause terrible problems with water and sewer lines.

I work for the City of Rapid City (South Dakota) and if you were calling and asking this question to me at work, I would provide you with a couple of lists and I would refer you to our Engineering Division. Here that is the department that determines what you can plant in the right of way and makes recommendations for the intallation and maintainance of sewer and water lines. Do you have a resource like that locally?

Now that I have said that, I'll check this week with my guys to see what they say! I do have copies of a list of recommended trees (for this area) that describes sizes of trees at maturity and other info and I also have a lengthy list of recommended xeriscape plants (both at work)and I will get busy in the next few weeks to provide that info to whoever may be interested or maybe there would be a spot for it in our mega data base (Dave is going to go EEK on Monday :)

Cobleskill, NY(Zone 5a)

My local cooperative extension,were the ones to tell us we needed to do all this work. They sell trees in the spring but don't provide a whole lot of info on them. I have just started my on-line research on this, and haven't gotten very far yet. I see lots of trees for trade on garden web, but have no idea what most of them are. Hey I am still trying to figure out what most flowers are!!!!!

I'll get a copy of our tree info out to you. I have your address from our last trade.

I have to go check out most flowers I trade for too. Like when I wanted metallic purple perilla. It sounded so cool, I just had to have some, and, of course, had to look it up to see what it was that I just had to have, LOL!! :)

Saint Helen, MI(Zone 5a)


Your local coop and/or soil conservation district has really nice trees and the price is usually really good. I would recommend that you check out other near by counties as price and selection vary. BTW most also include info about planting and growing the trees and/or shrubs you select.

Hope that helps.

Plato, MO(Zone 5a)

I have lil trees and seeds I can send you.I think the fastest growing I have are sweetgum beautiful shade tree.Looks alot like a maple.

Also have cedar.Think that is the next fastest,but not the greatest shade type tree.I've got Blk.Jack oak,wht oak,hickory,apples,plums,pears.

Would be glad to help if I can,let me know...Kim C

Hi Megan - finally got that tree info into PDF format. I have emailed you a copy. I also coverted an older list of xeriscape plants. If anyone would like copies of these, let me know and I'll get them out to you.

Cobleskill, NY(Zone 5a)

Thank you everyone for this great info!!!

Aliso Viejo, CA(Zone 10a)

Rise Ann, I'd like a copy of the tree info!



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