ewwwww - aphids in JANUARY?!?!?!

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

I was out for a stroll last week (before the latest arctic blast hit), and one of my still-green daylilies (well, barely green...) had a very large (extended family, I guess) colony of aphids cowering down in the recesses between the still-green leaves. Well, I didn't hesitate for a minute, and ran my fingers along the leaves, starting as far down as I could, and smooshed 'em all up. I also made sure to pull back the mulch away from the crown of the plant, so whatever cold weather we get can help take care of those I might have missed. But whodathunkit? Aphids? This time of year????

Anything else I should do, or be watching for in the spring? (I have an occasional problem with aphids and mealy bugs when the weather gets really hot and humid, but I just blast 'em with water, insecticidal soap, or good ol' handpicking when necessary...)

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