orchids that can grow cool (conservatory) in winter

I know very little about the culture of orchids. I do notice that one of the largest marketplaces for orchids that I have ever seen is eBay (Garden topics,Flowers). It is tempting to bid there but without knowledge of the species it is chancy. I have a cool, 50 degree, winter plant room and wonder which orchids can do well in that room. I have had two dendrobiums bloom there, Three others do well but do not bloom. Doing some checking, I find there are many things to know about orchids and the thousands of species. Some hands on comments would be welcome.

Pernis RT, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

You could have a look at Jay's orchid encyclopedia at http://www.orchidspecies.com/index.htm#top
At his site you'll find descriptions, pictures, and hardiness of about every orchid you can think of.

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Pernis RT, Netherlands(Zone 8a)

Here is another great site. Not as many orchids maybe, but lots of information.
The orchid desk http://www.dwave.net/~andrewj/culture_files.html

Petaluma, CA

Claire, my experience with most orchids is limited, but may I recommend Cymbidiums.
I've been most pleased with a dwarf Cym. of the variety 'Golden Elf' for its readiness to bloom and the fragrance of the flowers. A bit lemony, and so is the color.

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

3 more options for you to consider:
Miltonopsis (pansy orchids): warm to cool, moist with medium sun, large & lovey blooms that resemble giant 'pansies'. Very nice & showy.
Masdevallias: cool to cold, moist with shade, miniature blooms that are kite-shaped and brightly colored.
Neofinetta: warm to cool, bright sun, miniature plant with nice fragrance.
perLite, I just picked up a 'Golden Elf', I've heard alot about their great frangrance & hardiness and I can't wait til it blooms ...is there a particular season they start to bloom?

Petaluma, CA

Leya, I love looking at Miltonias, but they are so perfect and storybookish, I've feared trying them.
This past winter my 'Golden Elf' began blooming around Christmas! It always amazes me how early it is. My only other Cymbid waited til February & March, not even spiking til after 'Golden Elf' was done!

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

eesh! I have to wait until December to see the 'Golden Elf' bloom?!! Its a good thing my perenials are blooming/budding.

Petaluma, CA

Believe me, it's well worth the wait!!!!
Since they grow outside here, I can put it by my front door when it blooms, and the door is in sort of a little alcove where the scent will linger. mmmmmmm. weeks and weeks of that scent!!!

New York, NY(Zone 6a)

I'm drooling with just the anticipation alone. I picked up the plant about 2 weeks ago and its bursting out of its pot with at least 5 new bulbettes. Bear with me...I'm envisioning 5 bulbs, all with a minimum of one flower spike and each spike with 4-5 flowers each...yowza! oh forgive me, I must've been daydreaming again. perLite, do you add any fertilizer on the cym? I've heard they require alot. Oh, Miltonias or Miltonopsis, I just can't keep up with the names. My Milt. 'Crimson Glow' just dropped its last bloom but when they were all opened, it was wonderful (but no fragrance). Too bad I didn't take any photos. FYI, The blooms holds its deep burgundy color very well as pressed flowers.

Petaluma, CA

H'm. Perhaps a Milt is next. And so many are PURPLE. (mmm)
You'll love this on the fertilizer question. Here Cymbids are too darn easy. They live on the deck, cracking their plastic pots. About once a month in the growing season, I give them whatever fertilizer is in the watering can. Usually that's a balanced (I think triple 10) Maxsea. I've also given them VF-11, which I've heard derisive comments about from local professionals.....
(Maxsea is an organic, seaweed based fertilizer.)

Kylertown, PA(Zone 5b)

Neofinitia falcata is a cool grower from Japan.

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