tulip trees

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

i posted this on the seed swap board but no luck. i am looking for some seeds to the tulip trees. i have recently bought a house with no trees. will send a sase or postage for some. or if anyone knows where to buy some. thanks Imzadi

Walkerton, VA(Zone 7a)

Imzadi, I assume you're looking for true tulip tree seeds (Liriodendron tulipifera). I have lots of adult ones on my property and some small ones too. I have no seeds, but I might have some seedlings small enought to ship. Want me to look around? A question: how close to your house will you plant them. They "spit" and can make a mess on whatever the sap lands.


Frederiksted, VI(Zone 11)

If you mean the tulip tree with orange cup like flowers - mine is blooming now - so seeds should be next - I had the tree put in by a local nursery six mo ago so don't know it's habits well yet. However, if this is what your looking for will be glad to save you some seeds.


Thumbnail by msailaway
Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Dear msailaway- do you live in Heaven? what a beautiful view you must have! what a lovely picture, it looks so beautiful. sigh...

That cool loking tree in the picture isn't what is refered to as a Tulip Tree -Liriodendron tulipifera-. Do you still have the tags or receipts? i'd love to know.

The Liriodendron tulipifera grows up to be a very very tall tree indeed, possibly reaching 180 feet!! It has a pretty upright habit not unlike a linden. It is a very handsome and elegant tree. good luck!


Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

actually thats a african tulip tree and i was looking for both. the yellow poplur one and this one. i really want both and cant get them here because they are protected here so cant get seeds of either.

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Wow, learn something new everyday...
So why are they protected there? I'd love to know.
Thanks a lot, Miggy

Jackson, SC(Zone 8a)

because every where they are planted here is either in a park or on national forestry land. you can buy them here but wow the price. they are hard to find here.

Long Island, NY(Zone 7a)

Oh I see. I wonder how much they cost up here. The only ones I ever planted were brought up here from Mt. Vernon. They were offspring of George Washingtons own tree that he had planted himself. Pretty cool. sadly one of them died.
Good luck in your hunt. Thanks, Mig

Hot Springs, AR(Zone 7b)


The seem to be pretty cheap at this site. But don't have experience with ordering from them.

Belleville , IL(Zone 6b)

If you grow them from seed they need to be planted in some decaying material to give them a faster start. I have one growing across the street and the seeds are always blowing into my yard! When I go barefoot the sharp little points hurt.LOL!
I haven't ever planted any, they just start to grow near the house where the composted material gets them growing.
But when I try to transplant them, they don't survive, even if I dig way past the root! Don't know what I am doing wrong. I can't let them grow where they plant themselves because it is too near the foundation!
I have seen some seeds lately here and there in the driveway and yard.Mine is the poplar type. I saw your post on the seed swap but thought you wanted that other kind.
Let me know if you still need seed and I will look around outside and see what I can find for you.

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