Aloe zebrina?

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

Is this Aloe zebrina?

Thumbnail by Kelli
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Aloe zebrina has a distintive horizontal stripe on it's red/pink flower and curls up it's leaves into a curve if memory serves.


L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

It isn't blooming right now, so I can't check on the flowers, and the flowers are a little darker than they turned out in the picture.

Valley Village, CA

Henry because of the longer leaves it could be A. zebrina
I looked it up in my books, again, ask four people and you will get four different responses. I asked Gary Lyons, our expert, and Myron Kimnach, John Trager, they all come up with different names, it may depend on the flower colors. On the PC they don't come in true, it still is a guessing game. Buy plants that have names on them, and still it is only as good as the person who put the tag in. I know I get name tags wrong, all too often. Aloe saponaria has shorter leaves and isn't as graceful. It could also be Aloe maculata.

L.A. (Canoga Park), CA(Zone 10a)

>Buy plants that have names on them, and still it is only as good as the person who put the tag in. I know I get name tags wrong, all too often.<

Isn't that the truth? This plant was labled as Aloe variegata, which it isn't, though maybe it is an A. variegata hybrid. I does look intermediate between A. variegata and the plant that we earlier decided was A. saponaria. Does such a hybrid exist that you know of? (Plant came from Desert to Jungle nursery.)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6b)

Another problem is also wild raised vs. container raised vs. nursery raised.
There is a lot of variation in aloes and agave.
I have 4 A. utahensis from 4 different areas that all look slightly different and are labeled as different var.


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