What's new?

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

Since catalogs are rolling in.... I figured everyone must be drooling over the new intros for 2004. What's on your wish list for this year?

I just made a quick order with Parks seed. I wanted to get my order in for the Blushing Susie thunbergia seeds before they ran out.

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

you and me, both....poppy!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Oh for sure, Blushing Susie is gorgeous! I liked Amaranthus Aurora (Summer poinsettia) page 10 , and Zinnia 'Scabious Pastel Mix' page 80. Newbie still, don't know if they have been around or are new, but sure think they are goodies!

Grove City, OH(Zone 6a)

I didn't order it, but I found one that I couldn't even try to pronounce. How about Michauxia tchihatcheffii? I didn't order it (I am not going to have a whole lot of time to play with new plants next year) but I was strongly tempted by Palafoxa texana. T&M claim both are easy from seed, but since I had never even heard of either before, I didn't want too much of a disappointment. Nope, I haven't had any time to research either one. Just looking at the name or photo was enough to tempt me!

Seattle, WA(Zone 8b)

Lupine I googled both, they are stunning. The only photos that came up were from T&M. Oh, if I were only rich and had acres to plant!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I swear, everything that catches my eye is either out of my zoning or there are 10 seeds for $4.95! I'm trying to be good, but I always allow myself a few packs of trendy seeds. This year some yellow babyface sorbet violas, and several packs of unusual aquilegia and hardy geranium.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

WWWAAAAHH Ive only gotten one catalog so far. I am so bummed, maybe thats why I painted my house so many different colors. LOL. http://davesgarden.com/t/413143/

This message was edited Jan 6, 2004 10:09 AM

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Janet, As many of the catalogs are already out, you may want to go to some of their websites and request catalogs. You may have gotten dropped from their mailing lists.

Here's a few that send free catalogs upon request:
Thompson and Morgan
Dutch Gardens
White Flower Farms
Plant Delight
Bluestone Perennials

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Beliee it or not I subscribed on at least three of those within the past few months. Maybe I did it too late Im not sure. I love Bluestone. I think I will check out a couple of those you wrote down since I dont remember If I asked for a catalog or not from them.
Thanks Nat!

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Hopefully, you will get your catalogs soon. They may have different mail out times for the newly subscribed.

And I agree with you - - I love Bluestone Perennials. I have ordered several times from them and have never been disappointed. I also use their online plant finder to see what their recommendations are for different beds. You put in zone, soil type, light requirements, etc. and then it gives you a list of appropriate plants.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I do most of my catalog looking on the web, but they always send a hardcopy catalog when I place an online order, so I receive catalogs in the mail from several companies. Visit the Stokes site. They have lots of wonderful seeds with lots of information about starting them. They also let you know how much seed to expect in the packs. I was excited to get a Chilterns, but it's rather dry reading... no pictures! I guess it depends on what you are looking for... a seed source or a getaway from the gray winter!

Noblesville, IN(Zone 5a)

I don't have any yet "DARN"

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Get online HoniBee and shop, or order catalogs online.

Western, PA(Zone 6a)

Are the costs of plants and seeds up this year, or am I just whistling dixie? Plant Delights Nursery catalogue came today. Hum?

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

It seemed so, to me, Golddog, but then, I guess they always go up a little. Compared to last year's catalogs, it seems each seed packet is up at least a dime to a quarter, but maybe that is always the case. Or, maybe the new restrictions on shipment have cause the companies to raise prices... that is shipment to the seed companies, as well as from them.

I can't believe I'm admitting to this. I saw the Nemesia (cherianthiifolia?) that T&M are calling Shooting Stars and bought a packet, I've been after these since I saw them last year but couldn't find another supplier. Hah lets see how these turn out, if they really have a coconut fragrance, I'll be pleased

I also got hold of Leontochir ovallei, Taraxacum album and Mimulus pictus (among others I don't have any room for), if any of them flower at some point I'll be chuffed to buttercups!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Hi, Baa... I ordered the Shooting Stars nemesia, as well. Love those nemesia, and this was something different! I didn't know they will have a coconut fragrancd. I tried to order the white and red splotched mimulus... can't recall what T&M name they gave it, but it was out of stock. I ordered it, or something like it elsewhere.

Just about the time I thought I was through ordering seeds, my hardcopy catalog of Select Seeds showed up, and I was back online, fingers flying, credit card between my teeth. I think I need some professional help dealing with my addiction!

I only bought the Nemesia from T&M (from a GC stockist I refuse to order from the company), I don't want to give them any more than absolutely necessary ;)

I have a slightly different problem, getting seed allocations from societies. I've just put in for 2 allocations and 2 surplus seed requests *G* Takes me ages, there are a good couple of thousand to choose a few packets from and a good portion of which I've not heard of so it's out with books on the floor and google images.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Research, research, research. Everytime I contemplate a trade, I'm online searching for information on plant varieties. I've received some wonderful seeds from other countries, and in almost every case, the botanical names were available, but I've spent days putting together information on hardiness and germination requirements.

In some cases, I will probably need to simply give the seeds to someone else, since tropicals are only of use here if they can serve as an annual, as well, or a house plant. I haven't the advantage of much hardcopy information, so I search online, and as you know, there is lots of contradictory information online.

I suppose that is why I indulge myself in a bit of mindless impulse shopping now and again. I buy far less from T&M than I used to, losing patience with some of their creative photography and names, but every winter, it's the first seed catalog in my mailbox and it is always a good read.

Murfreesboro, TN(Zone 7a)

From the sounds of things, I think our respective work areas are probably mirror images of one another - the reference books and catalogs are stacked helter-skelter on any available surface, scribbled notes on torn pieces of paper are stuck in between pages and on the edges of the computer screen, and my email inbox keeps getting "order confirmation" notices - now WHERE did those come from? (she says with wide, innocent eyes...)

I may refuse to play the new lottery when it arrives next week, but when I'm being honest with myself, I have to admit gardening is my addiction!!!

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Yes, Terry, I think you are right! Yesterday two seed orders came in, so I was busy cataloging them to my inventory list, marking the 'received' on my seed order list, and then putting them away chronologically in my tote. I, too, have papers with bits of information on them... additions for the PDB, notes to self for seeds I want to try, etc, catalogs with stick note markers... it is an addiction, and for me, T&M was one of the gateway drugs!

North Vancouver, BC(Zone 8a)

hi there, everyone.....Happy New Yr!........I just received my Veseys catalogue(Canadian), and found some annual yellow Impatiens.....www.veseys.com Elaine

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

I've ordered from Vesey's in the past. It's so nice to have a catalog that caters to cold weather plants.

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