for zone 6-7 people

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Is there a temperature at which you find that snapdragons freeze or quite blooming or die? I thought they were hardy for us just like pansies, but this lady at HD told me if I planted them they'd die soon. I don't think she's a very good salesperson.

Knoxville, TN(Zone 7a)

Angie, I think that some snapdragons are more hardy than others. But right now, I have a container of snapdragons blooming and we have had temps in the 20's. But all of my other snapdragons died out months ago. This photo was taken late in the summer, but this pot is still doing well.

Thumbnail by nathalyn
Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Thanks nat. :) I went by a different HD to get some on my way home, but they are all gone. :( So, I bought seed instead and it says 55 days til flower. I guess I'll give it a go. I'm trying to put something in my containers that I planted tulips in. thank you :)

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I've had snaps live through the winter here but in their second year they never seem to flowers as well.

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Same with mine, poppysue. They did great the first year, okay the second year (as long as I cut them back) and poorly the third. I expect to pull them up this spring if they don't do any better.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

I call them short lived perinnials. They seem to just waste away after a few seasons.I like them and will continue to plant them, but with the understanding that they will not be there forever.

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Kind of sad isn't it? They are the kind of plant that can be truely outstanding, but most of the time they are just kind of 'enh'.

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

Angie--- I have snaps survive for four or five years. But they are in a bed with lots of peat moss---don't know if that has anything to do with it. I can't believe that the HD salesperson told you that. Snaps are one of my favorite old time plants. I would go ahead and plant them if you want you can plant them outside when it is fairly cool. Good Luck!!! Thanks Tracy

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

It's been done for a month now bloomluver! :) I said, forget you, to that lady and did it anyway. I won't say they are growing like crazy, but they're doing just fine. I'm looking forward to spring. :)

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

All we have to do is keep our "babies" alive long enough to get them out in the spring!!! I can't wait either. I will have plenty of snaps in early spring should you not be able to carry yours over and I would be happy to share some with you, just let me know. There is nothing like waiting for spring is there? I have stood in line a million times at various business and listen to the salespeople tell customers "advise off the top of their head and the customer leaves with that advise, and then wonder what they did wrong" but we can't hold it against the salespeople because the business put people out in Garden centers with little pay. But I guess not everyone is crazy about flowers like "we" are....hahaha Tracy

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Ya got that right Tracey. It's hard to think of how many people there are out there doing jobs we'd love to have and be good at that just don't care 'cause it's just a job. *shrug* It's real hard not to correct them though. lol It's so sweet of you to offer to share! I'll keep it in mind, but I'm sure they'll be just fine. Thanks, :)

Central, AR(Zone 7b)

Maybe I will have something else growing in the greenhouse that I can send come spring. Just let me know if you are looking for something until then rest up spring will be here before we know it!!!! Tracy

Dundee, OH(Zone 5b)

my snapdragons do get frosted here in zone 5, but i leave them and they have re-seeded since 2001. don't know if that would be any help.

Newport News, VA(Zone 7a)

I'm in zone 7, is there
any kind of seeds I can
plant now? I can't stand
not being able to dig in the
dirt lol

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