DD's Gourd Drums.....

Crossville, TN

My daughter made these gourds into drums....some of the gourds we grew ourselves....some she bought from the fields. She is so talented!! Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner

Those are really neat. I have heard of the Ipu Drums
in Hawaii. I think thats what they are called. Anyway,
they are made from gourds as i understand. I wonder
which type of gourd they use. I'll have to look more
into that. Your DD is very talented. Thanks for sharing.

(Zone 5a)

They are lovely, and my hats off to her. Hey Jo are you going to try and learn to play the drums?

Crossville, TN

Kit..I learned how to play the drums in our High School band...MANY MOONS ago...the two darling little Majorettes are just two of my beautiful neices....like cousins...I have a lot of them!! Jo

Thumbnail by roadrunner
(Zone 5a)

You should have played with the ban at the Ky RU, your niece's are cute.

Crossville, TN

Kit! I DID! Don't tell me you missed that...I played the Gourd Shakere. I hope to do a return engagement next year...LOL Jo

(Zone 5a)

I didn't miss it, but thought you would play the bongos next year.

Crossville, TN

OK...if you'll play the Shakere....Jo

(Zone 5a)

I am not sure you would want me to....not very good at it.

Crossville, TN

One of these drums was given as a Christmas gift...he was pleased to get it. Jo

(Zone 5a)

Oh that was so nice of your daughter to give them as presents.
I donated some of mine to the library.

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