Sweet Cayenne vs. Corbaci

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I've maintained seed of the original Turkish 'Corbaci' pepper for several years, tried growing another pepper called 'Sweet Cayenne' this year, and didn't see any difference. They're both extremely prolific, bearing sweet, tapered fruit about 1/2 - 3/4 inch at the shoulder, up to a foot long, ripening yellow to bright red. Does anyone know if they are one and the same?

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sounds similar to a "Big Chili"...are they anything like that? (The Corbaci?)

Thumbnail by Horseshoe
Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Nice looking pepper! Thanks Keith! So it has a sweet pepper/bell pepper taste? No hot/spicey flavor like a cayenne?

As for your original question, it could quite possibly be that someone re-named the pepper. Guess we'd have to grow them both out to study the plants a little more closely.

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I'm thinking you're right on the rename. I was just hoping that someone would know for sure (we don't have a Dr. Carolyn for peppers here, do we?). The picture I posted was for Sweet Cayenne, but it looks exactly the same as Corbaci. I've seen one advertised that ripened from green to red, but I've had mine for around 15 years, long before the the seller ever offered his version. I think the one he has is Centinel, VERY similar to Corbaci, but ripens green to red.

I found a grower on the Net who gets her Corbaci seeds from the Turkish community in her neighborhood and hers looked like mine, so I'm pretty sure I have the real McCoy. Now to find out if someone's been renaming a traditional variety the way the do with tomatos. I hate when that happens.

Yes, it's a sweet, thin-walled frying peppper. Not a hint of heat.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Take good care of it! Sounds like you have a true trophy!

By the way, have you come up with a special recipe you like to make with those? Sure sounds like an great pepper!

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Not really. I just munch on them in the garden like a carrot.

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