Borers or what???? HEEEEELLLLPPP!!!!

Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

Hello everyone.... i think i might have a REEEEAAALLY big problem , i'm not sure... i am going to post a bunch of pics of what is happening to my trees.. i think it might be borers... its making me sick to think my poor trees are going thru these ugly slimey 'things' eating them from under the bark.. it gives me the heebie geebies!!!! anyway this pic is of the largest weeping willow i have that i bought two and a half years ago... it was kinda small and thin back then.. but has grown alot this year.. let me know what u guys think.. also just to let u know it had just rained so the areas in question are darker around the 'wound' then usual.. please help me help my trees....):

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

ok just to let u guys know .. the bottom of the tree is fine.. it is just now turning into 'bark' of a larger tree.. and the areas moving up the large trunk , i cant tell if they are just splitting like that because its getting bigger .. or if its due to the borers.. the areas on the upper part of the trunk are almost a grey/blackish/purple... this next pic is of an area where i pruned a branch off yesterday that looked pretty bad.... and this is what it looks like inside that branch... sigh.. poor tree....

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

ok the next pic is of another branch i had to cut off becuase of the destruction.. now i heard elmers glue is good for putting over the wound.... that was on GW ... i have the tree sealent stuff that they also use for grafting.. what do u guys suggest i put over this .. i dont want to make it so more bores have easier access... and stress the tree out more then it already is...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

this is of my corkscrew willow... i have 4 pics of it so u can see the damage close up and then the overall affect of the damage.. this tree is smaller then the weeping willow but prob just as old..

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

this pic is of the overall effect of damage...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

more damage on the corkscrew willow.. the 'red' part is normal.. but the yellow is clearly dieback from the obvious wound...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

this is the size of the areas on this tree that are damaged.... there are several and i am going to post them all.. so u see what i've got to deal with, with these trees...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

this is the damage of the the two main leaders... is this so bad that i need to prune it off the tree????

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

this is my granny smith apple tree which i think is also infected...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

still the apple tree.... this cannot be normal....

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

and what is this on my apple tree??? its green like an apple.. but looking very abby-normal...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

this is my weeping birch.. now tell me whats wrong with this picture...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

This is my walnut tree.. is this normal for a growing tree... its at least twice the size it was last year... one walnut last year.. none this year which i thought was due to the fact i had not pruned it and it was very dence with foilage.. i cut it back this year...

Thumbnail by cici77
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

thats it guys.. let me know if any of u have an idea of what i am dealing with here....thanx!!!!

Westbrook, ME(Zone 5a)

I'm no expert on trees or shrubs... but it looks like you have sort of fungal disease that is causing cankers. You might want to take samples of the infested branches to your cooperative extension to be tested.

Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

Thank u poppysue... i have been wondering what has been causing these.. i hope i can find something to take care of it... sigh.. i do have borers in the willows though.. which i am sure is from the trees being sick from the cankers... they say they attack distressed sick trees... i got stuff though to kill the borers.. and so far it seems like it might be working.. i did clean out a gallery where they were nested and seen 3 of them.. little white maggot/grub looking things.. i poked them with a tiny wire and they didnt move... but i stabbed them anyway just incase..ewwww... i know!!! sick! yuck! i hope there is something i can do about cankers... sigh...thanx alot thought.. u really helped me with that link!

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