Gloriosa lily seedlings

Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

hello everyone... i planted gloriosa lily seeds back in the beginning of oct.... well now i have 7 to 9 seedlings... the tallest being 4 to 5 inches tall ... my question is.. does anyone know how long it takes to develope the tumberous root???? also will these die down to the ground like tulips and irises? or do they keep their green leaves year round? the pot i have them in looks a little over-crowded now, i planted a bunch in one pot assuming some would be duds, but everyone of them sprouted.. some seven sprouted two seperate stems below is a pic of them before two more sprouted and the tallest one in the pic now has two sets of leaves... when would be a good time to seperate them into their own pots? or should i put them all in one big pot? one more question... when do i need to start supporting them as a vine? i know , a whooooole lot of questions... if anyone can answer any or all of these it would be of great help!!! thanx alot!!!!

Thumbnail by cici77
Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

Someone may be along shortly to correct me (lol), but if I'm not mistaken the rule of thumb is that once they get their first set of true leaves (they usually look different) then you can transplant them. I don't know anything about this plant in particular, except that I want one! lol It's good to put a stake or some kind of support in the pot with the vine when you repot it just to save having to untangle a big mess later when you realize you haven't done it in time. :)

Niceville, FL(Zone 8b)

These are truly amazing plants. I planted 10 or so a few years ago in a small circular bed. This summer, I decided to dig up the bed and plant some palms. I dug tubers all day. At the end of the day, there was well over 300. Made great trading material. I planted my palms. A couple of weeks later, small gloriosas started popping up again. I counted over 75 still in the bed!!!!! I decided to let them stay in there with the palms. Here in north Florida, they die back over the winter and emerge in the spring. Mine bloom most of the summer too. If you give them something to climb on, they may reach 8 feet or so. Otherwise, they wont get as tall. I do love this plant.

Thumbnail by rylaff
Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

i love these flowers too.... and ecobioangie, when i check these after their season this summer, i can send u one..(: i have 9 that have sprouted indoors and i planted 5 others out in my bulb bed..along with 10 more seeds that looked squished and the outter skin was broken, a lady at DG said to plant them anyway that they may germinate.. so if those 10 dont i have these 9 seedlings and at least another potential 5 outdoors...(: since they reproduce so much i am sure i can share... and rylaff, ur very lucky to have 300+ ... i am envious that u have that many and they are alreayd blooming.. i have to wait what, 2 to 3 years for mine to bloom.. although i have been talking to this guy in england that grows his from seed and he said he has had them bloom by the second season... he has been growing them for 40 years!!! lets hope i am so lucky!!! (:

Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

here is the newest pics of my babies... now the pic above was taken on Nov 25th, and this pic was taken jsut a few min. ago... i think they have grown alot since the last pic!!! (: grow babies, grooooowwww....(:

Thumbnail by cici77
Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

*happy dance happy dance* I'm sure I will have forgotten by then, maybe I'll get a mail suprise! :)

Gosh they look great and healthy. :)

Banning, CA(Zone 9b)

i wont forget , i will bookmark ur page on here and when i go to plant these babies i will send u one or more if the others sprout! (: why dont u email me ur addy so i have it on file ....(: i was suprised they all sprouted..although i dont remember planting 9 in one pot... infact i thought i planted only five.. wait a minute i did plant only five in one pot!!! that how i have 5 out in the bulb bed and the other 10 squished ones... i only had the 20 seeds... 10 good and 10 questionable...(: hmmm could they have grown new shoots off the roots that are developing? maybe thats why two new sprouts came up just last week .. while the others had all sprouted around the same time... hmmmmm.....

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)

ya got me there. *shrug*

you have mail! :)

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