New Greenhouse Help!

Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a)

Hi all! I've just subscribed to this site today! I've been reading what I can for awhile, then finally realized that I really needed to become a member!
Here is my question - I have just assembled a used greenhouse. It is in good condition.....8x8x8, double fiberglass canvas covering, small window flap in the back. I dont have a heater/light for it, and am not sure exactly what I need. It will receive full sun for the most part. I'm wanting to overwinter my ferns and daturas in it, as well as start seeds when the time comes! I've never had a greenhouse before, and completely clueless as to what to do or what I need!

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

ArkieGAL, Welcome to Dave's Garden!

Someone else will have to advise you on what you need.... I only lust after a greenhouse.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Howdy (again) Arkie. Darn, I just posted on the other thread.

However, another big Welcome to DG!

Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a)

This GH is freestanding, nonattached, no running water or electric, although it is close to an outside plug in. Some wind, although its not protected. Anything else?
I really dont want to mess up and destroy the plants that I've already got in there! But, this is also my trial and error season!

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Have you seen this thread yet?

Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a)

Horseshoe, Thank you!
I am still learning my way around this site, and in fact, I did read this post and it has some good information in it, but at the time I wasn't sure how to get back to it! I've been puttering around here for about an hour now, so I think I've got my bearings!!

Tonasket, WA(Zone 5a)

ArkieGal, Welcome to Dave's Garden. You will thoroughly enjoy it and learn a great deal. I have an attached to north side of garage greenhouse. But we live in such different climates so I don't think I would be of much help to you. I heat my GH with an electric heater, 240 or whatever it is, not 120 . I don't try to keep it much warmer than 50 to 55 degrees. We have already had temps. down to 12 above. I am just trying to keep my brugs and all the other plants alive, not growing rapidly. Donna aka rutholive.

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

ArkieGal, we are glad to have you with us. I am also learning about my new greenhouse, so far so good. Since our climates are quite different I don't think I could help you much. I have a propane furnace that keeps my greenhouse at about 50 (so far), and on sunny days it gets a bit warmer. I have my ventelation system turned off and the vents blocked with insulation because too much heat was being lost on windy days. I found out I don't need it now that the sun angle is pretty low. That will change I'm sure so I have to watch it if we get a day with bright sun all day the roof vents and screen door window might have to be opened to let out some excess heat. So far I haven't cooked any plants or frozen any.

Edgewater, MD(Zone 7a)

Im with Darius, just think between the two of us if anyones heaters go out, just call us and we can keep it warm with all the panting with our tongues hanging out and drooling. You wouldnt even have to water. LOL

Mableton, GA(Zone 7b)


Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a)

How funny! But, dont pant too I type the wind is whipping my poor little GH all around! I sure hope it is stable enough to handle these gusts we've been having today. Thank goodness it is staked down well!

Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a) poor little GH got beated up pretty bad last night :{
Between the high winds and freezing rain, I guess the covering just was'nt strong enough to hold up. My husband seems to think that since the covering had been in storage over a period of time, it may have become brittle between the layers. When I looked out the window this morning, the complete back side of the GH was just FLAPPING in the wind! Completely ripped...... Oh well, I was just glad that I didnt have a ton of plants in there. But then again, I am very disappointed! Maybe I can repair......

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Ohhh...sorry to hear this!
Did the covering rip? Or just come loose where it was tacked down? (I'm not really sure what "double fiberglass canvas covering" is. Is that like greenhouse plastic?)

Bonifay, FL(Zone 8a)

ArkieGAL We too had some high wind after reading your post I went to my g/h and found the top cover flapping in the wind I found my shade cover and using bongie cords covered the house I was glad we had 2 covers on. When the wind dies down We will replace top layer but the shade cover will stay over it all winter and every winter as long as I have a G/H We do enjoy the G/H but it sure is a learning experince!!

Jonesboro, AR(Zone 7a)

Horseshoe, yes it is. It is two layers of greenhouse plastic with a layer of fiberglass in between ( or so I'm told! ). It completely ripped at the back right side seam, the one side that I didnt have staked down, because it butts up to my outside storage shed! If I had known that it happened I probably could've reinforced it somehow and kept it from futher damage, but unfortunately it happened during the night! The rip then obviously continued all the way up to the vaulted top, no stopping it now! Anyway, I've managed to get the covering off of the frame and into my shed. Most of my plants suffered due to being pounded by the freezing rain :{

I've brought them in the house and we shall see what becomes of them!

Baker City, OR(Zone 5b)

Oh, I'm sorry to hear of your greenhouse being damaged in the storm, I hope your plants will survive with TLC. I hope you are able to replace the greenhouse skin with something stronger right away and have the use of it for the rest of the winter and next spring.

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