Help from the USA

Bucharest, Romania

I`ve found lots of vegetable & herb seeds that I want on sites in the US.
The problem is that they either don`t ship to Romania or don`t accept cash. Or both.
So I need someone from the US to order the seeds from there and then mail them to me.
I will send you cash (USD) for the seeds and postage through the regular mail, plus you can keep half the seeds for yourself.
Also, if you could recommend some reliable veg &herb seed e-stores in the US - I would appreciate it.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Ratza, what are you looking for? We have a lot of Veggieseeds overhere too to send.

Bucharest, Romania

Hello there, Saya.
I`m still waiting for the RR - and hope that you didn`t put indian hemp seed in the package - I could get into trouble here.No joke, it`s 3 to 15 years in jail for growing hemp.

Well, I`m intersted in tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, zucchini etc - but they have to be something special in shape and taste and/or very, very disease resistant.
I`m a fan of GM crops and of F1 hybrids - and those are impossible to find here.
Like I said - I`ve found lots of sites in the US ( for ex. that sell these kind of seeds - but I need someone who lives there.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Are you specifically wanting GM crops, and hybrid seeds?

If so, you're aware that you can NOT save the seed from them for next year, and years to follow, right? You will have to purchase them each and every year if you choose GM and hybrid.

I have many seeds, none of them GM (by choice!), and only a few are hybrid.

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Hi Ratza..F1 seeds are easy to get overhere. Here's an url of Dutch seedcompanys so you can compare some prices and the haves. You have to log in to see the prices of the the seeds.

High Desert, CA(Zone 8a)


pls. be specific as to which herb or vegetable u are looking for. post a list of what you want or need. i am pretty sure members of DG in the US will be able to help you.

if i have something from your list, i will be more than glad to send u some :)... ma vie

Horn, Netherlands(Zone 8b)

Oh I forgot...of course I did not include those LOL don't want you to end up in jail..I don't want to have them either. You've already said that it takes about 14 days the RR envelope will get to you. Wish I've known.... I'ld included some veggieseeds too for you. Now there's only flowerseeds in it : (

Bucharest, Romania

Saya - I checked out the nl sites and found lots of interesting tomatoes at - but there are no prices displayed, or at least I couldn`t find them.
For Horseshoe & MVRose: I have only a small garden so I can`t afford to grow ordinary plants or varieties that are not very disease resistant. Only the best and the toughest plants deserve to live in my garden!
I want to grow all the basil varieties that I can get, then approx 30 tomato plants (black, green, red, bicolored, white and yellow), some tiny tomatoes in containers (like 'sweet million'), some tomatillos, chinese and vietnamese herbs and greens (no cabbage), oriental vegetables, tiny eggplants, ball shaped eggplants and zucchini, very disease-resistant cucumbers and courgettes and hot peppers (I`ve already purchased 14 varieties from in South Africa).
I know it`s ambitious but it can be done.
And some Datura - if it really has hallucinogenic effects and is not considered a drug.

This message was edited Dec 7, 2003 10:59 PM

N. Vernon, IN(Zone 6b)

Ratza You look to old and to heathy to be wanting anything for the hallucinogenic reasons, trying to be your friend. Janie

Bucharest, Romania

I`m just curious - people tell me of interesting experiences after smoking datura. The truth is that I would rather grow indian hemp or opium poppies in my garden - but the punishment for that is hard, 3-15 years in prison.
And coca, of course.

Seward, AK(Zone 3b)

Ratza, I sent out the seeds I promised you and included a few Biker Billy Jalepino Pepper seeds. They are quite adaptable to bringing inside in the winter. I'm going to be placing orders for lots of seeds before the end of the month, so then I might have some seeds that would be of interest to you. Send me a list soon and I'll see what I can do.

North Tonawanda, NY(Zone 3a)

Banks can issue money orders,or cashier's checks, so there isn't any need to entrust cash to the mail.

As for Datura, also known as Jimson weed, it is a toxic plant with all parts of the plant being considered to be poisonous. There is no known antidote for datura poisoning. It is seldom used as a drug in the USA because it is very difficult to determine any "safe" dosage level and because of the high mortality rate from exposure to it.
The above is a link to Romania's laws concerning drugs. Scroll down to page 7 and read the section on the Criminal Code of Romania, especially the part about plants that contain such substances. No specific plants are mentioned here, but datura is a known source of psychotropic substances. I would assume that since it fits the definition of the laws, the penalty would be the same as for hemp and opium--3 to 15 years if you are caught. Datura is banned or in the process of being banned in some foreign countries where it is being used as a drug.

Most plants that contain hallucinogenic alkaloids are considered to be highly toxic in very small amounts and extremely dangerous to experiment with. Few people have the knowledge or the access to lab equipment needed to analyse the potency of any given plant, and potency varies.
Not trying to moralize about drug use-- if it's your thing, play it safer by sticking to less dangerous substances. No "high" is worth dying for.

Bucharest, Romania

Well Newbie, it`s quite safe to send money through the mail.
Till now I`ve sent money to the USA, South Africa, England and Germany with no problems.
The problem is that most of the US e-stores don`t ship to Eastern Europe.
Check out this site :
and this article:

North Tonawanda, NY(Zone 3a)
Here's one you could try that takes checks or money orders and ships world wide. It doesn't list any countries that are excluded.

Bucharest, Romania

Thanks, newbie. I`ll check them out.

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