Holiday Challenge Week 2 Stats

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Numbers are for the week, followed by overall for the 7 week challenge. Where there is just a number and not a percentage, it is the number of pounds lost or gained where the goal was to stay even.

Dea, I changed yours to a total goal and not broken down by differing amounts per week. Easier for me, if that's no problem.

I will update this as more people post their results.

bluepoppy: 0%, 16.7%
darius: -14.3%, 0%
datdog: 0%, 0%
Dea: 4.3%, 21.7%
dough448: 16.7% (newcomer, 1st week!)
EileenBLamb: 10%, 10%
sbarr: -11.4%, -5.7%
tomden: +2
trillium_girl: -14.3%, 0%
vic: 14.3%, 14.3%
ZenZinnia: -12.5%, 0%

This message was edited Nov 29, 2003 4:33 PM

This message was edited Nov 29, 2003 8:30 PM

This message was edited Nov 30, 2003 9:37 AM

This message was edited Nov 30, 2003 3:09 PM

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