All About Okra

Louisville, KY

The site listed below will provide much information about Okra, its history and uses. You may enjoy some of the unique recipes provided as well.

Jacksonville, IL(Zone 5a)

Thanks for the link. I had no idea there were so many recipes for okra! I grew some the summer before last, but I only had 4 plants and that didn't make much of a crop. But one time I did have enough to freeze I thought. So I baked them for just a few minutes to dry them some. The smell was so wonderful, I froze nary a one, but ate them all right then and there! I plan to grow a bigger crop next summer in a much roomier garden, so these recipes will certainly come in handy.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Wow Gary! I loved the site!

Okra is one of my favorite veggies by the way.Anyone who won't eat okra is missing out!

By the way,glad to see you here.Us KY folk need to stick together.

Richmond, KY(Zone 6b)

Roshana, those are just for openers. You wouldn't believe how versatile okra can be.

When I was reasearching my Mother Earth News story on okra I probably came across more than a thousand recipes. Almost every culture in the world---including northern ones where okra doesn't grow---seems to have used it.

Four plants should have produced a healthy harvest, though. The trick, for several reasons, is to crop them often---like every other day---when the pods are no more than 3" long.

Papa Gary: Glad to see you're active again.

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