Laurel's Farm Heirloom Tomato Plants

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Hello Everyone,

I stumbled across "Laurel's Farm Heirloom Tomato Plants" on the Net today and couldn't find any reference to it in DG. Are any of you familiar with it?

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I know Laurel well and was, I think, part of the reason she got into selling tomato plants.

If you click on what is an heirloom you'll see my name at the top. And if you go to the variety Dr. Carolyn you'll see her other remarks. Many of her varieteis are from my book on heirloom tomatoes.

I met Laurel online just three years ago at which time she really knew little to nothing about heirlooms. But she was bitten by the bug and now this has blossomed into a full scale venture for her. And with that I'm delighted.

She has been selling plants only from her home in Southern California and I do think the 2004 season is the first one where she'll be shipping plants. I do know several folks who have bought plants from her and they've been very pleased.

So there is no track record for shipped plants and thus no reason to have had her site listed for rating, and no reason to do so until after at least the first season.

I'm a bit disappointed she links only to Tomatofest as a seed source and for pictures, for several reasons.

I'll have to e-mail her and tell her that there are now several other sources for seeds of Marianna's Peace where Gary Ibsen at Tomatofest is still selling 6 seeds for $24. She states it's the only place to buy seeds for it. The other places are selling seeds for a normal price and Gary should as well, since it's no big deal to produce seed rather than charging that kind of money for them. But Gary and I have different philosophies re this. (smile)

I grew Marianna's Peace this past summer and was not that impressed. Some folks love it, some folks see it as another large pink with PL foliage.

The only way for anyone to know if they like a variety is to grow it themselves in their specific location using their gardenng techniques and experiencing tastes with their own tastebuds.


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

6 seeds for $24, you gotta be kidding!
We probably only spent that much on seed for a couple 1000 plants.
Our next door neighbor at market had some brandywines for sale, wasn't that big of deal. Actualy were terrible looking things.

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

I think the rediculous price was a marketing ploy that actually worked. Now that the seeds are available elsewhere, I'm hoping that nobody else falls for it. It's sort of like the antique and collectors trade... price equals rarity and quality, whether the item is rare or of quality or not.

I think I'll order a few plants from her; one, to see what the quality of service is like and two, to encourage her new obsession. Her site shows great enthusiasm. I hope she does well.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

I think the rediculous price was a marketing ploy that actually worked.

You are absoultely correct. Gary's background is in PR and advertising. he's done the same thing with his Julia Child Seeds and now the Sunset one where he kinda got the seeds from another seed selling website for the Sunset one.

There are many folks who believe if something is scarce and expensive it must be better.

I'm not one of them. LOL

Carolyn, who has to e-mail Laura about something and will ask her about shipping costs which I don't see being listed separately. At this point it isn't clear to me if the $3.50/plant includes shipping, or not. Will report back here on that.

Lomita, CA(Zone 10b)

Hi Guys,

Carolyn Me Dear, and all, how are you doing?

Allow me to address the questions and observations above.

Actually my business took off like a rocket. I shipped several thousand plants this year, 2003, to more than 400 customers from March 19th through November 24th, when I ran out of plants and energy... took a much needed rest after working 7 days a week, (except for a weekend off for TomatoFest.) Those last plants went to year-round gardeners in south Florida and along the Gulf Coast who are planting in the winter whilst your Sleepy Hollow is covered in snow and we get those 4 or 5 days of pesky frost here in California.

I keep my website up to date, and do realize that Marianna's Peace seeds are coming available elsewhere; I do keep abreast of all this stuff. I continue to purchase my seeds from Gary.

Shipping info is available on the Shipping Info page. Already have many orders for 2004 and great customer feedback with repeat orders. I broke even this first year and I blame you, Carolyn, for the sore back, blisters, and grand adventure, helping me turn toward a wonderful new life path.

Thanks again for all your inspiration and other help since I became entranced by heirloom tomatoes. Up til that time, I had only grown 5 or 6 heirlooms, not knowing there were another BAZILLION available. We grew out about 105 varieties here this year, discovering some 'new' great ones, with Marianna's Peace still way up in my faves.(I do agree that climate has much to do with flavor.)

I still run the Daycare Center, part-time now, and give each little 3-4 yr. old gardener/graduate a copy of your book; best graduation present ever. Amazon must think I have a bookstore....

Peace On Ya,


Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


I did find the shipping info when I went back to look again. And clearly I never got around to e-mailing you, but I will.

Never did I think you'd get this involved with heirloom tomatoes and it sounds like you're having great fun, along with lots of hard work.

I will try to e-mail you within the next week or so.

Carolyn, sitting in the midst of a blizzard to be and watching the snow pile up at a ridiculous rate. Sigh.

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Welcome to DG Laurel! We're glad to have you here.

I was wondering about your weather situation Carolyn...looks like you are getting hit pretty hard. We got a few flakes,but nothing stuck,It's sunny and 45* right now.

Be safe.

And welcome to Laurel again.

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

It's good to hear from you, Laurel. You'll be seeing a small, yet expectant order from me this spring.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)


We have about two feet here and it's still snowing. Sigh.

The upside is that it's been so cold the snow is light and fluffy.

But since I fell the day after Thanksgiving ( on the step down from the deck after filling the birdfeeders) I'm not going to do any outside anything and I'm hoping my snow plow man and my clean off the car/ snow shoveling person make it to my home later this morning.

And that's because a dear friend of mine, 84 yo, who with her husband ( now deceased)had their dream home built, which I now own, died on Thursday.

Ruth was a charming, witty, gracious lady and we had a common interest in wildflowers, birds, trees and all that's found in nature.

She died because of a drug she was taking after heart surgery and her death didn't have to be.

Her viewing is ths afternoon and I wanted to go. But the family will understand if I don't make it.

The wind is supposed to now pick up and cause serious drifting, as I see it's starting to do right now.

Carolyn, who had a really rough week since it was a week ago Friday that Ruth was rushed to the ER. But all organ systems had shut down and there was no way back. I apologize for writing something personal here but I can't help it, and the weather is on my mind re her calling hours this afternoon.

Efland, NC(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear this about your friend, Carolyn. That is certainly sad news. It's a shame this was the result of a drug side affect.
Hope you are doing okay. Sorry to hear of your fall better be careful, it's a long ways till tomato planting time. Maybe in the Spring you can plant something for Ruth.

Everson, WA(Zone 8a)

Sad news about your friend maybe you could name a plant you engineer for her.Ernie

Benton, KY(Zone 7a)

Carolyn,I am so sorry to hear about your friend.It's so hard to lose someone you love,and the fact that it could have been prevented makes it all that much harder.Please know that my thoughts have been with you today,and will continue.

Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

Same here.

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Melody and Agrinerd,

Thanks for your sentiments.

And again, I really shouldn't have talked about personal stuff here, but the anger and frustration about Ruth just was too much.

It was a major feat getting plowed and shoveled out from the two feet of snow we got over the weekend to go to calling hours for her on Sunday. But it was a celebration of her life, not her death. No viewing, per her wishes, but in one room there was a large table with items representative of her hobbies and interests, such as her gardening tools, her birdbooks, some baskets she made for she was also a basketmaker, her bowling ball, some of her Wendell Berry books, etc.

In the other room there was a continuous video of movies taken years ago showing her two sons when young, family trips, Ruth and her husband, etc.

The tone was upbeat as well Ruth would have wanted it to be.


Franklin, NC(Zone 6b)

As it should be.

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