P. trifasciata

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

I got this on from Flicker back in the summer and this is its first bloom.......so tiny and dainty......I have my thumbnail in so you have something to compair it to.....you can also see a tiny bud on the right...it may be open tomorrow....
Thanks Flicker...... :o)

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

its so cute and dainty

Kannapolis, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh, it's so cute. Thanks for sharing.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

Here's one that may show more of the leaf coloring.....Will take more photos later.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Vancleave, MS(Zone 8b)


Chariton, IA(Zone 5b)

Not only is the bloom cute, but the nail looks pretty cool too. LOL!! Nice pictures.

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

.....LOL Burgie....heres more of them, this is a totally diffrent look.......I took this photo for my grandaughter.....she and I have a nail thingy going.

Thumbnail by WillowWasp
Cedar Key, FL(Zone 9a)

I just realized thats the variegated one I've been wanting at Logees
Is it hard to grow?

and the nails are too cool!

Jones Creek, TX(Zone 9a)

This one has really been easy......When Flicker sent it to me back in July I left it in its shipping cup about 2 weeks then put it in a 1 gallon pot. It took it about a month to acclimate and then it started sending out new shoots and has never stopped since.......about 6 weeks ago I potted it up to the 3 gallon it's in now. It will stay in that until I replant it in the spring.

I knew the flower would be small but the foliage is what make this one sooooo desirable.........It is just begining to show light Pink stripes in the leaves to but they don't show in any photos I take yet, hopefully I will get some better ones later.

I started fertilizing it really heavy once a week and that's been for about 3 weeks now and as you see it's begining to bloom. The leaf color improved the first week in doing this. The fertilizer I used was Peter's, I switched from Miricle Grow.

It has about 15 buds on now and will soon be almost covered. I will try and take a photo of the whole plant this afternoon.....

There is just so much to tell about this one and some of the others I have......diffrences in growth rate and first flower, fertilizing and not. I have some I am going to keep pinpoint records on and post during the growing season next year......


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