Ring Rot on the increase - help please!

Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Just cut'n'pasted this from the BBC news website:

'The world's most damaging potato disease has been discovered in Britain for the first time.
Ring rot has been described as the potato equivalent of foot-and-mouth, and government experts are meeting to discuss how to contain it.

Potato growers have pledged to contain and eradicate the outbreak, which was discovered at a farm in mid Wales.

It is thought the disease, which could seriously affect yields, was brought into the UK on infected Dutch seed. '

Okay, I know potatoes are not tomatoes. But they are Solanacaea - same family.

Does anyone have any experience of Ring Rot? Can it affect tomatoes? What remedies are there?

As a compulsive tomato grower, I'm worried!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Does anyone have any experience of Ring Rot? Can it affect tomatoes? What remedies are there?

As a compulsive tomato grower, I'm worried!

You shouldn't be that worried John since this pathogen has been well known for years and years as a pathogen of tomatoes. I'm surprised you haven't heard abut it when trying to diagnose systemic diseases of tomatoes. So it isn't new at all.

The bacterium is Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepidonicus and the disease in tomatoes is known as Bacterial Canker. And it's known as Ring Rot in potatoes.

This disease is worldwide in nature and if you Google a bit you'll see it's been present in England and everywhere else for a long long time.

It's really most important re tomatoes in a commercial greenhouse situation, most of the time, and has been known to cause localized field and garden outbreaks.

Here's some references for you:





Ivinghoe Beds, United Kingdom(Zone 8a)

Thanks, Carolyn

Just shows I shouldn't believe in media hysteria!

Salem, NY(Zone 4b)

Just shows I shouldn't believe in media hysteria!

But what would the UK press do if they ever lost their penchant and reputation for hype and sensationalism? LOL

We in the US rely on them to fill our tabloids and newspapers with all sorts of goings on. And I won't go there right now. LOL


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