Please help me chose a vine!

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

I have covered my gutter downspout with chicken wire and have grown a Blackeyed Susan vine. It did just great filling in but never bloomed and is now starting to look "old" with leaves browning etc. Now remember, I am in Florida and it is just starting to get cool enough to start with some annuals etc. I think it didn't get enough sun. In it's location, you would not think "shade" but ferns thrive and multiply so it must be shady in the plants minds. Although it is bright there all day it gets direct afternoon sun. Here is the question...what could I grow that doesn't need to be tied up a lot and that would be nice and green and perhaps bloom? Also fast growing but something that wouldn't cover the house when my back was turned? Is that asking too much? LOL All suggestions appreciated!!! Thanks in advance.

La Porte, TX(Zone 9a)

Hmmm...perhaps a pea plant or pea vine. I had one a while annual...deep purple. Didn't invade. I would have to also suggest passionflower. It's so pretty and attracts butterflies. And my last suggestion, which is probably not a good one but I love this vine. It is called the "Sky Flower" or "Clock Flower Vine." It is absolutely gorgeous. Mine is a blue violet. It has covered an area of about 10' of fence on both my neighbor's and my side. Someone at the nursery mislabeled it "clematis" and I had to do some research to find out what it really is. It is from India originally. I promise you it is gorgeous and very hardy. (But if you are looking for something that will only cover a small area, probably not a good choice unless you keep it trimmed back.) Good luck!

Toadsuck, TX(Zone 7a)

Cardinal Climber or Red Cypress vine never fail to do the job!


Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi Dale;

I'm a big vine grower. I have several I put in specifically to make a privacy fence out of a chain link. The sky vine has some beautiful flowers, but it is way too invasive and fast growing. I can't keep it off the surrounding trees. The passion vine is also very fast growing. Although beautiful, you'd be after this one all the time too. I found a slower growing one to be the pink mandevilla. It will climb the chicken wire with only a little encouragement from you. You can find this in the plants date base under mandevilla. Click on the picture with the pink flowers. The yellow mandevilla is good too. Hope this helps...Molly

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Isn't mandavilla very susceptable to mealy bugs and thirps? I was thinking about lab lab. It grows fast and has pretty foliage and is not so heavy it's going to pull the downspout off the wall! One thing...does it need tying of will it attatch by itself? Oh decisions, decisions! Molly, have you tried canary creeper? I keep trying with no success....the seeds germinate grow a bit and then just peter out.

Archer/Bronson, FL(Zone 8b)

Hi Dale;

I don't know about the mealy bugs. I have 2 pink vines and 2 yellow vines. The pink ones were being cranky a bit as my neighbors last batch of pole beans took over their growing space on the fence. Now the bean crop is finished, they have more room to grow. These vines are not too heavy and they will twine through the wire on their own once you get them started in the right diection. Good luck on your choices...

Sarasota, FL(Zone 9b)

Do they bloom year round?

So.App.Mtns., United States(Zone 5b)

Dale, I suspect they probably should, in your zone. Have you looked them up in the Plants Database?

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