mourning over death of bonsai

Wilmington, NC

My Grape Cabernet Sauvignon.... DIED!!! Ive had it for several years! Even produced fruit last year!! It seemed so happy, then out of the blue, without even a sign, died.

What are the chances of it coming back to life?!?? (I know, Im asking for the impossible!)
I couldnt part with it, so Im babying it in my windowsill... checked out the roots.... looks very *iffy*...... even fed it some fish emulsion...I know, let it go.

Does anybody happen to have some cuttings to trade!?

I think it was the change in the temp... but I didnt think they were sensitive to *that* extreme. (Air conditioning)???

Thousand Oaks, CA

For those in So Cal, there is a Bonsai Show at Descanso Gardens this weekend (actually, today and tomorrow.. not Sunday)... usually a pretty good show.

Highland, CA(Zone 9a)

sorry nicole.i lost one too.

Dallas, TX(Zone 8a)

Hi Nicole,
Sorry about your loss but , even lifeless Bonsai are cool!
I bought a couple of the deceased at a garage sale as a gag for a friend of mine who's in to Dia De Muerto and after looking at them for a while I realized how beautiful they are.I bet your grape still has a lot of character.

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